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Animals Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 28 Unique Sources About Animals

animals image

1- When animals appear in a dream they usually represent an aspect of the personality which cannot be properly understood except on an instinctive level.

Animal with a cub
This will represent motherly qualities and therefore the mother.

Baby animals
The dreamer will be dealing with the child-like side of his or her personality, or possibly children known to him.

The hurt young animal
The dreamer may perceive a difficulty in becoming mature or facing life.

Eating the animal
The dream could be about the ‘demons’ one creates which can only be overcome by assimilating them in a constructive way. Pagan belief thought that one took up certain aspects of the animal that were superior in certain respects to ordinary’ human attitudes.

Godlike, talking awe-inspir- ing or wise animals, or those with human characteristics

Animals have not vet become conscious of, or pitted themselves against, the power from which they came so the wisdom they show is innocent and simple.

It is always important to pay attention to this aspect of animal life in fairy tales and dreams, since we need to be in touch with that part of ourselves.

Helpful animals
The subconscious is producing helpful images from its depths.

The figures of animals arc an easy way for the dreamer to accept that help.

Killing the animal may destroy the energy derived from the instincts. Taming or harnessing the animal shows the efforts made to control the dreamer’s instincts and, if possible, make them productive and useful.

To dream of trying to find some refuge from animals whether by building defences - or perhaps by running away - is indicative of the dreamer’s struggle with his animal instincts, and whether the action being taken is adequate. Such instincts may be threatening or damaging to aspects of the dreamer’s life.

2- When we need some sort of understanding of our own psychological urges, animals will appear which symbolise those qualities. These are:

The mother (See Also: Family) appears in dreams in many forms, the bear being one of them.

The image may be of the possessive, devouring mother or of the all- caring mother.

If it is recognised in the dream that the bear is masculine the image may then be of an overbearing person, or possibly the father.

Usually the bull in a dream denotes the negative side of behaviour, such as dcstructivcness, fear or anger (for example a bull in a china shop). However, more positively, the bull is recognised as sexual passion or creative power.

Slaying the bull
Indicates initiation into the world of the mature adult who succeeds in mastering his instincts and can also represent the sign of Taurus in the Zodiac.

To dream of cats is to link with the feline, sensuous side in human beings, usually in women. Goddesses such as Bast the Egyptian cat goddess arc usually represented as having two sides to their natures, one devious and one helpful, so the cat often denotes the capricious side of the feminine.

The elegant but also the powerful, yet overly self-sufficient aspect of woman, may also be perceived as the cat. Chameleon The dreamer is recognising either in himself or others the ability to adapt and to change according to surrounding circumstances.

Cold-blooded animals or reptiles
The unfeeling, inhuman aspect of the instincts is often portrayed by reptiles and other cold-blooded animals. They are usually recognised as being destructive and alien.

Composite animals
To dream of composite animals could indicate some confusion in sorting out what qualities are needed.

The various qualities of the different animals of which they are made up need to be assimilated and integrated. There are two potentials of development in one figure.

Half-animal, half-man
The dreamer’s animal instincts arc beginning to be recognised and humanised.

The eternal feminine, especially the mother (See Also: Family) or mother figure (See Also: Archetypes) is often depictcd by the cow. This is partly because it provides milk and nourishment.

The deer and the reindeer herd have a strict hierarchical structure.

The dreamer recognises his place in the world.

The deer symbolises pride/nobility

Deformed animals
The dreamer realises that some of his impulses are offensive, or revolting.

Also see individual entry

The dreamer may recognise a faithful and constant companion, a protector or more negatively, somebody the dreamer can’t shake off and who might make trouble.

A dog that the dreamer owned or knew at some period of his life There may be memories asso- ciated with that period of his life, which hold clues to present behaviour.

A huntress with dogs The dreamer is making a connection with one of the feminine archetypes, that of the Amazon (See Also: Archetypes).

A dog guarding gates, being near a cemetery In dreams this indicates the guardian of the threshold, and creatures which must be put to sleep or tamed before there can be an initiation into the underworld Domesticated (tame) animals When we dream of domesticated animals we arc aware of those parts of ourselves with which we have come to terms. There are passions which arc being used in a controlled way although there is the suggestion that those passions were never very formidable. Elephant To see an elephant in a dream is to recognise the qualities of patience, long memory, strength and fidelitv. In the more esoteric sense it signifies radiant and glowing wisdom.

A fox in a dream tells of hypocrisy, cunning and slyness.

A period or act of transformation (a frog transforms from a tadpole and moves on to the land). There is something repugnant which is turning into something of value (i.e. a frog into a prince). See Also: Snake as all reptiles have the same significance.

To dream of a goat is to recognise creative energy and masculine vitality. It may also represent the dark side of human nature, promiscuousness and sexuality.

To be riding a goat is to be trying to come to terms with the dreamer’s relationship with the dark side of his nature.

The goat may also represent the Devil or Satan.

It is also the symbol for Capricorn.

The hare highlights intuition, spiritual insight and intuitive ‘leaps’. Intuition may be debased into madness by fear or ignorance. Because of its association with the moon, the hare can, in its negative aspect, signify the Priestess/Witch aspect of femininity or the Priest/Sorcerer of the masculine (See Also: Archetypes). In its positive imagery however it is the radiant hare (often holding its baby in a cave) and thus the Mother of God.

The hedgehog can represent evil and bad manners, or literallv our inability to handle a ‘prickly’ situation.

The horse in a dream represents the energy at the dreamer’s disposal.

A white horse depicts the spiritual awareness of the dreamer; a brown one the more pragmatic and down-to-earth side, while a black horse is the passionate side of the dreamer’s nature.

A pale horse is taken to indicate death, and a winged horse depicts the soul’s ability to transcend the earthly- plane.

If the horse is under strain or dying there is a severe weakening of the dynamic power that carries the dreamer forward. Ibo much pressure may be being experienced in our lives.

If the horse is being harnessed to a cart the dreamer may be concentrating too hard on thoroughly- utilitarian objectives.

In a man’s dream, a mare will denote the Anima, a woman; or the realm of the feminine (See Also: Archetypes).

In a woman’s dream, being kicked by a horse may indicate the Animus or her relationship with a man.

A horse that can get through any door and batter down all obstacles is the collective Shadow (See Also: Introduction) those aspects of the personality which most people attempt to suppress.

The horse as a beast of burden is often the Great Mother (See Also: Introduction). or mother archetype (See Also: Archetypes). In modern dreams the car has largely taken over from the horse as a symbol with many of the same associations (See Also: Car, Journey Sections).

The hyena is generally taken in dreams to signify impurity, instability and deviousness.

The jackal is associated with the graveyard, and therefore with Death. As a scavenger it is also a cleanser. Esoterically, it is the servant of the transformer, guiding souls from the earth plane into the light.

The jaguar’s main qualities are its speed and balance. It stands for the balance of power between the dark and light forces. Kangaroo This somewhat exotic animal often stands for motherhood. and also strength. Lamb The lamb is the innocent side of man’s nature.

It is said that evil cannot withstand such innocence.

The leopard represents cruelty and aggression, and traditionally the deviousness of wrongly used power. Lion The lion stands for majesty, strength and courage. It can also represent the ego and the passions associated with it.

If the dreamer is struggling with the lion there should be a succcssful development as long as the dreamer is not overpowered, or the lion killed.

A man-eating lion shows that an aspect of the personality- has slipped out of alignment, putting both the dreamer and his surroundings at risk.

A lion lying with a lamb There is a union, or compatibility of oppositcs; instinct and spirit going hand in hand. Lizard also see Reptiles The lizard appearing in a dream represents instinctive action or ‘one-track’ thinking.

The main quality associated with the lynx is its keen eyesight, thus in a dream it can often portray objectivity. Monkey The monkey characterises the infantile, childish and arrested side of the dreamer’s character.

The qualities of mischief, impudence and inquisi- tiveness all belong to the monkey. While these are often seen as regressive tendencies, that of lively- curiosity maintains a necessary lightness of spirit.

see Horse

The mole is often taken to represent the powers of darkness, but can often signify the blind persistence and determination which enables the dreamer to succeed. Monster/Dragon also see Dragon in D Section A fear which is beyond understanding, usually welling up from within rather than from the outside world, is often represented in dreams by monsters and dragons.

The devouring monster The dream may deal with a recognition that ultimately we arc all absorbed back into a greater whole.

If the dreamer gets the better of the monster he will have mastery over his own fear of death, and may be able to harness this forcc for his own use. Cutting out the monster’s heart or other vital organ, or lighting a fire inside it, depicts the struggle against the dark forces of the underworld.

Also see Vermin

The mouse’s quality of timidity can often be addressed in the dreamer, if it is recognised that this can arise from turbulence and lack of understanding.

The otter is uniquely equipped to exist within its chosen element of water and to be able to gain subsistence from its environment, all things the dreamer may- need to develop.

The ox depicts the ability to be patient, and to make sacrifices for others.

Parts of animals
(the limbs, eyes, mouth, etc.)

These have the same significance as parts of the human body (See Also: Body).

If the four legs are particularly emphasised possibly in contrast with a three-legged animal the whole rounded personality with all four functions of the mind fully developed is being highlighted. Pig or Wild Boar The pig is taken in Western belief to indicate ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, and gluttony.

The dreamer’s better self may be beginning to recognise these unattractive qualities in himself. Without such recognition there can be no transformation or mastcry of them. Pigs and jewels There is a conflict between the lower urges and spiritual values. Perhaps there is a failure to appreciate spiritual values. Big litters of piglets can represent fruitful- ness, although sometimes without result, since the sow can depict the Destructive Mother (See Also: Archetypes). Wild Boar The wild boar depicts the archetypal masculine principal, and therefore the negative Animus in a woman’s dream.

(See Also: Introduction).

The dreamer may be evading an issue that should be challenged and dealt with more daringly.

Prehistoric animals
A trauma from the past, or from childhood, may be causing difficulty. Rabbit Rabbits appearing in a dream can mean one of two things.

The obvious connection with fertility could be important or it could be that the trickster aspect of the personality could be coming to the fore (See Also: Hare).

A white rabbit may show the dreamer the way to the inner spiritual world and, as such, act as a guide.

The ram is a svmbol of masculine virility and power, and by association has those qualities of the sign of Aries in the Zodiac.

also see Vermin ‘flic rat signifies the diseased and devious part of the dreamer or of his situation. It can also represent something which is repulsive in some way.

The dreamer may be experiencing disloyalty from a friend or colleague.

To dream of reptiles indicates that we are looking at the more frightening lower aspects of the personality. We may have no control over these, and could therefore be easily devoured by them. We are afraid of Death or the death process, but must go through a process of change in order to be reborn.

Dreaming of a seal suggests that we are at one with the clement in which we live.

Also see Snake

The serpent is a universal symbol which can be male or female or it can be self-created. It can signify death or destruction or conversely life and also rejuvenation.

It is the instinctive nature and is also potential energy. When the power of the instinctive nature is understood and harnessed, the dreamer comes to terms with his or her own sexuality and sensuality and is able to make use of the higher and more spiritual energies which become available. In a man’s dream a snake may appear if he has not understood the feminine or intuitive part of himself, or when he doubts his own masculinitv. In a woman’s dream the snake may manifest if she is afraid of sex, or sometimes of her own ability to seduce others. Because of its connection with the Garden of Eden, the serpent is the symbol of duplicity and trickery; and also of temptation. Sheep The sheep is renowned for its flock instinct, and it is this interpretation which is most usually accepted in dreams.

The helplessness of the sheep when off balance is also another aspect which is recognisable, as is the apparent lack of intelligence.

The god-fearing, ‘good sheep’ and also the passive and ‘sheepish’ may have relevance within the context of the dream.

To dream of sheep and wolves or of sheep and goats is to register the conflict between good and evil.

Sinister Animals Any threat from animals indicates the fears and doubts the dreamer has over his ability to cope with the stirrings of the unconscious. Snake - also see Serpent. Snake dreams occur like serpent dreams - when the dreamer is attempting to come to terms with his or her more instinctive self.

Inevitably, this has to do with the recognition and harnessing of energies which have been suppressed and thwarted. Since the most primeval urge is sexuality, the image of the snake is the most primitive one available.

A snake twined around the body or limb

This indicates some form of bondage, possibly being enslaved to the passions.

A snake, or worm, leaving a corpse by its mouth

This can sometimes represent the sexual act (the little death), but can also signify the dreamer’s control of his or her libido.

A snake in the grass This image denotes disloyalty, trickerv and evil. With its tail in its mouth This image is one of the oldest available to man and signifies completion and the union of the spiritual and physical (See Also: Shapes, Circle). Being swallowed by a snake This shows the need and ability to return to the ultimate, and lose our sense of space and time (See Also: Eating). Because snakes are such a low form of life, while also being in some cases poisonous, they have become associated with death, and all that man fears. Snake twined around a staff or similar (See Also: Caduceiis) The unconscious forces that are released once the dreamer reconciles the opposing sides of himself create healing, rebirth and renewal, and this is universally represented as two snakes entwined round a central staff.

It is a symbolic representation of the basic form of DXA, the ‘building blocks’ of life.

The colours of the snake may give additional insight into the meaning of the dream (See Also: Colours). Squirrel The squirrel represents the hoarding aspcct of our personalities.

The tiger signifies royalty, dignity and power and is both a creator and a dcstrover

To dream of toads is lo connect with whatever the dreamer may consider ugly in life, or in his behaviour. However, implicit in that ugliness is the power of transformation and growth into something beautiful.

For a toad and an eagle to appear is to note the difference between earthly and spiritual values.

Transformation of animals In dreams, the metamorphosis of the dreamer or other people into animals and vice versa shows the potential for change within any situation.

The unicorn is a symbol of purity and traditionally could only be owned and perceived by virgins.

It is a return to, and a resurgence of, an innocence necessary in self-understanding, and it often suggests the control of the ego and selfishness.

In dreams vermin may represent the enforced contemplation of something that is unnecessary or that has invaded one’s spacc.

Animals with backbones often give an understanding of the qualities associated with that animal.

The smaller and lower orders of animal signify the unconscious, the higher orders the emotions.

The whale, because it is a mammal which lives within water, indicates the power of resurrection and rebirth man’s abilitv to come back from the dead.

The weasel traditionally highlights the devious, more criminally oriented side of ourselves.

see Sinister Animals

Wild animals
Usually wild animals stand for danger, dangerous passions, or dangerous people. There is a destructive force arising from the unconscious, threatening the safety of the individual. Such a dream may be a way of understanding anxiety.

Domesticating wild animals The dreamer may- have come to terms with his or her wilder side.

Dreaming of wolves may- indicate that we are being threatened by others, whether singly or by the pack.

The dreamer may- have cruel sadistic fantasies without taking responsibility for them.

The She-wolf The hussy; but also the carer for orphans and rejected young.

Wounded animals
The dreamer may be suffering either emotional or spiritual wounds.

This animal has the same significance as the horse, but with the additional meaning of balancing the negative and the positive in a very dynamic way.

3- By understanding animals and their symbolism we approach life in a more simplistic and natural way.


Animals in dreams represent primitive drives and desires, such as fear, lust and anger that can only be really understood on an instinctual level.

Thus, to dream of a certain animal could suggest an aspect of your personality that is instinctual, hidden or striving for recognition. It could also represent a part of yourself you find hard to control. And because we often assign characteristics or personality traits to animals, dream animals may also symbolize gut feelings we have about others. An attacking lion, for example, may depict how we see someone who is being aggressive toward us.

Animal dreams rouse special interest because they contain images that are familiar to us, but at the same time we recognize something that is unfamiliar and obscure. Traditionally, the characteristics of the dream animal are applied to the world of humans, often seeing the animal as a harbinger of misfortune or good luck; for example, a wolf is often thought to predict thieves or misfortune. According to Freud animals in dreams are not predictive of future events but a classic expression of repressed or unexpressed sexual and aggressive tendencies. Jung, however, argued that animals in dreams should be analyzed individually, depending on the character they portray in the dream and the association the dreamer has to them.

Jung believed that animals are sublime and, in fact, represent the ‘divine’ side of the human psyche. He suggested that animals live much more in contact with a ‘secret’ order in nature itself and—far more than human beings—live in close contact with ‘absolute knowledge’ of the unconscious. In contrast to humankind, the animal is the living being that follows its own inner laws beyond good and evil—and is, in this sense, superior and a source of inspiration and guidance.

Although animals are one of the most common dream symbols, dreams that feature them can be complex and hard to interpret. Perhaps the simplest way is to first think about how you feel about the specific animal in your waking life.

You may, for example, adore cats and think of them as lovely creatures because you have a much-loved pet cat, or you may associate cats with feeling unwell because you are allergic to them. Thinking about how that animal makes you feel within the context of your dream should help you recognize if that feeling is struggling to the fore, or is already expressing itself in daily life.

If, on the other hand, you have no feelings in particular about the animal in your dream, you need to think about the quality you typically associate with it; for example, a fox with cunning and stealth, an elephant with strength and mystery, or a dog with unconditional loyalty and love. Because animals are thought to represent unedited feelings and drives, it’s possible that your unconscious used the symbol of the fox in your dream to alert you to your own or someone else’s cunning. Thinking about that aspect of yourself—again within the context of your dream—should tell you whether you need to nurture and develop it, tame it or be on your guard against it in someone else.

If you still feel puzzled, it may be that the hidden meaning lies in archetypal, traditional, legendary, mythical or magical associations. Dream animals may also embody a pun. For example, if you dream of a badger, are you feeling badgered or aggravated in some way? If you dream of a zebra, could this refer to your black and white view point?

Dream animals, no matter how problematic, offer us an opportunity to contact and explore both the parts of ourselves that we have shut away and the parts that we have yet to discover. In general, researchers believe that animal dreams mean that the subconscious has woken up and has come to life.

Our dreams will be selective and personal in the choice of animal used to portray our life situation, but as you interpret never forget that animal symbols in dreams typically represent a fundamental push toward life and living it with passion.



Animal dreams can have several different meanings, depending on the specifics of your dream: Wild animals, especially if threatening, mean you feel out of control in a situation.

If you tame a wild animal in a dream, you achieve success through expressing yourself honestly.

If you are attacked by a vicious animal and you manage to kill it, you will triumph over your rivals.

Dreaming of domestic animals (such as pets), if unfamiliar, can mean you feel pressured to be something you’re not.

The same meaning applies to dreaming of wild animal babies (of any type of wild animal).

Dreaming of farm animals suggests that you are ready for growth. It’s time to start exploring your potential. Also see “Cow” and “Chickens” for more specific meanings.

If you dream that you kill a gentle animal (example: you’re driving and you run over a deer), something you are doing in real life goes against your values and you are “killing” a sweet part of yourself. You must change your behavior and stop acting against your instincts or a part of yourself will be lost or damaged. Talking animals in dreams serve as messengers of the unconscious. Pay attention to what they say, for they are trying to help you to trust your instincts and intuiton, and possibly warning you of dangerous or negative emotions that you have absorbed from others. Animals attacking other animals in your dream means you are feeling a deep conflict with someone you are close to. This dream may also suggest that you are scared of showing your true emotions and desires, because you think they are too powerful for others to deal with.

If you dream of being an animal, it could be an expression of your primitive desires, physical characteristics or even your romantic longings. Animals in dreams symbolizes the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself. Think about how you felt in the dream, and how you acted, for clues to your dream’s meaning. Also look up the specific type of animal you were, for further analysis.

If you dream of lab animals, you need to experiment with your fears, choices and beliefs. Try not to limit yourself by what others think you are capable of.

If you dream of a dead animal, an aspect of yourself is being repressed. You feel that you are not able to fully express your desires and emotions.

If you dream of experiments being done on animals, you will encounter difficulties in carrying out your goals and plans. However, if you rescued the animals from the experiments, you are successfully facing emotions and characteristics represented by the animal.

If you dream of hybrid animals (half one creature, half another), this symbolizes that you are beginning to incorporate different sides of yourself as you grow and mature into a fully-formed personality. Look up the animals that the hybrid was made of, for additional meaning about these sides of yourself.


Like any other animal, human beings have devel­oped certain physical and behavioural traits. Some of these traits, such as a newborn baby attempting to suckle the breast, are rooted in millions of years of past experience and can be thought of as instinctive. We can observe such traits in a dog in such behaviour as cocking of the leg in male dogs. We can see some of our own traits in such things as the human desire to elect leaders. Many of these habits are physiological or social. In our dreams we represent these drives or habits in the form of various animals. Our restrained sex drive or ag­gression may be shown in our dream as a dog on a lead.

The power of drives such as the urge to parenthood via sex might be shown as a horse which we are trying to control. More than anything else, though, our dream animal represents our powerful reactions to situations, reactions developed through centuries of human experience in frequently terrible situa­tions. This aspect of ourself is rooted in the older portions of the brain.

The animal in our dreams has commonly been seen only as the sex drive.

A careful examination of animal dreams, though, shows this to be untrue.

The animal represents all our biological needs and responses, which include survival and hunger, reproduction; parental urges; need for exercise and rest; social drives, fear reactions, anger, urge to provide (for young and mate); home/nest building; territory protection, so­cial hierarchy, etc.

If these aspects in an individual are dam­aged or traumatised, we see parents who have lost their natu­ral bonding and caring for their child; individuals who have no sense of social status or responsibility, enabling them to be criminally violent; disturbed and misplaced sexuality. Domi­nating or attempting to kill out the animal in us can cause tension, depression and illness.

The common escape into dry intellectualism is a cause of internal conflict. Complete per­missiveness is no answer either, our higher brain functions need expression too. So one of the challenges of maturing is how to meet and relate to our ‘animals’, and perhaps bring them into expression in a satisfying way. Such drives are fun­damentally a push towards life.

It must be remembered that where sex or sexuality is men­tioned, I am not simply referring to the sex act. I mean sexual­ity in its overall aspect, which includes the urge towards par­enthood, and the love and caring connected with it.

(Brain damage or certain drugs or chemicals can diminish the ‘hu­man’ levels of function and only the animal and lizard levels are expressed.) Below are listed some common ways animals are used in our dreams.


Universal Landscape: Human instincts.

Dreaming Lens: What animal was appearing in your dream? Were you the animal? Was there more than one type of animal? What were the animals doing? Were you in danger?

Personal Focus: In the spirit of everything in a dream being a reflection of the consciousness of the dreamer, any animal that appears in a dream represents some element of the human experience and the personality of the dreamer. What sets us apart from other animals is our capacity to think. However, animals connect to the opposite of thoughtful navigation through life. They represent the instinctive drives and the deep intuitive knowing that allow a person to feel guided toward right action without intellectually knowing what to do.

Most aboriginal cultures are very connected to the animals that inhabit their worlds. In fact, animals are thought to possess spiritual powers, and these powers are directly related to how each animal behaves in the world. The qualities of the animal that appears in your dream offer clues to the interpretation you make.

For example, bears connect to fierce power. Large cats represent stealth and strategic hunting ability. High-flying birds, such as an eagle or hawk, are expressions of the ability to see from the great vantage point of the sky. When in doubt, think about the facts you know about the animal. The Internet makes this kind of research very easy. Read a little about the animal and you will easily understand what your unconscious mind is trying to communicate.

The second facet of your interpretation will come from what the animal is doing in your dream. The activity they are engaged in will correlate with some type of movement (or obstacle to movement) in your waking life. The dream may be asking you to stop trying to think your way through a situation and turn instead toward your instinctive nature for an answer.


Symbol: Animals represent, as Archetypes, the depths of our unconscious or our instincts. Animals in dreams are always repressed symbols of our urges—a dream language of the forbidden.

Bear: a symbol of vitality, power, and endurance (particularly in women’s dreams).

See Also: Bear.

Fish: a fear of losing love; your partner is “slipping” through your fingers, but when the fish is alive, it is a sign of successful planning.

See Also: Fish.

Dog: extremely repressed sexual urges.

See Also: Dog.

Insects: repressed anger, emotional stress, family problems.

See Also: Flies, Insects.

Cat: a symbol of female eroticism, and sometimes a repressed desire for independence.

See Also: Cat.

Cow: female sexual urges—but always combined with patience and calm.

See Also: Cow.

Lion: glorified and powerful physical contact between men and women.

Mouse: a symbol of the female; the fear of mice is an expression of the dreamer’s fear of a vet-to-be-acknowledged femininity.

See Also: Mouse, Rat.

Horse: aroused, but unrealized physical energies, or controlled vitality.

See Also: Horse, Horseback Riding.

Serpent: a phallic symbol; women who dream about serpents suffer from unfulfilled sexuality; a serpent crawling up your legs means sexual desires have been awakened.

See Also: Dragon, Serpent.

Small animals often symbolize a small sibling; large animals usually stand for the dreamer’s own character traits and repressed cravings. Animals with human voices: a warning not to let other people hurt or take advantage of you. Dead animals are a sign of changes in your personal situation.

Depth Psychology: Animals are a symbol of primitive character traits, like greed, passion, or anger.

The other symbols in the dream are very important.


Animals often represent, in general, the qualities or defects with which they are traditionally associated. So, the dog may represent loyalty; dove, peace; turtle, longevity; tiger, power; etc. However, like in the other entries of this dictionary, you must always take into account the personal circumstances of the dreamer. If, for example, the dreamer has been bitten by a dog, her unconscious would hardly associate the figure of the dog with fidelity. On the other hand, animals refer to our most primal instincts and our basic desires. The dream may be calling attention to some aspect of your nature that you repress or underestimate. In any case, it is advising you to try to be more spontaneous and less rational.

If you dream of eating an animal, it means that you are assimilating natural wisdom.

If you fight against it, it means you are having trouble with your hidden self, rejected by the conscious.

If the animal is guarding a treasure then the material passions are preventing you from spiritual fulfillment.

Its meaning depends on whether it is about domestic or wild animals. While the wild animal is indicative of secret enemies and professional problems, the domestic one announces the return of absent friends and reconciliation. To own, feed, and care for them, especially if they are ruminants, indicates wealth and good businesses. Those endowed with horns predict happiness.


To see animals in your dream is indicative of certain aspects of your personality. Depending on what animal you see, it may reflect your outer appearance, your primal needs and wants, or fantasies relating to sex. Animals can represent your wild and uninhibited side. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal implies that there is some aspect of your personality that you dislike or are trying to avoid. Also read about the type of animal that is appearing in your dream.

To dream that animals can talk indicates insight and intellect. Pay attention to the words it utters; the meaning being conveyed may represent your ability to achieve all that you desire.

To dream that you are saving the life of an animal indicates that you are aware of some personality traits that you have in common with the animal. In addition, you may feel as if you are lacking a particular attribute or you are insignificant in the scheme of things.

To see lab animals in your dream represents a personal attribute that you are hiding from yourself and others. You need to gain confidence and face these emotions, even if you feel as if you will be overcome by them. Be more open-minded and willing to try different things.


(See Also: by specific creature or habitat, Carcass, Fur, Zoo)

The primitive wildness within and a yearning to return to nature.

A threatening animal reveals hidden aggression or unexpressed anger toward something or someone. Alternatively, this may mean that you personally feel threatened by someone perceived as predatory.

Taming an animal: Bringing (or wishing to bring) yourself under greater control, especially characteristics like a hot temper or overly intense passion (See Also: Whip).

Native Americans believe that the spirits of animals appear in our dreams as teachers and guides. In this case, read that animal’s entry for more insight into its lessons.

Killing an animal: Consider what the creature itself symbolizes.

For example, killing a bird signals a fear that you are somehow stifling personal freedom or vision (See Also: Carcass).

Jung felt that the central self was often represented in dreams as an animal, specifically the elephant, horse, bear, bull, fish, or snake.

Consider the creature’s positive and negative characteristics or integral qualities as they reflect upon the way you behave.

For example, are you being bull-headed or figuratively bearish?


Symbolize our own traits, good and bad. When you see an animal doing something in your dreams it usually represents a bad trait. As it is far easier for us to accept and watch an animal doing something negative then to take the credit for it ourselves. Animals within dreams often seem to symbolize emotions. Some people have repeated dreams which involve, for instance, being chased by a wild animal. At times, people have found that there is a sense of fear until they turn and face the animal, and then find out that there is something that changes within them as a result of doing so. This is where it is important to ask the dreamer about what is going on in their lives. Is there a similar feeling that they experience or that they are being asked to confront? Scripturally unclean animals may represent demonic powers

Domestic animals may represent

1. Christ; Lev. 4:3,

2. Believers; Isa. 53:6

3. Israel. Jer. 50:17; Wild animals may represent

4. Gentile nations; Jer. 50:17

5. Unbelievers; Dan. 8:3,

6. People; 2 Pet. 2:12


More than anything else, dream animals represent powerful instinctive reactions to situations, for example, fight or flight, the urge to find a mate and protect our young, the desire to have standing and recognition within a group, and so on.

When instincts need to be understood, expressed or controlled in some way animals can often appear in our dreams to symbolize them. By understanding animals in dreams and the qualities they represent, we can approach life in a more instinctive, simple and natural way.

Bear in mind though that there is a huge difference in meaning between wild animals and domesticated animals in dreams. In general, domesticated animals or pets, such as a dog or rabbit, represent those urges we have more control over and are therefore less threatening to our conscious desire to be in charge. The wild animals we dream of are more threatening to our ego, but they are also more powerful, because if we can develop a working relationship with them they offer incredible potential for growth.


We think of animals as having intelligence that is basically instinctive. In this way, dreams that feature animals are helping us tap into our own instinctual nature.

The first element of any interpretation of an animal that appears in your dream is to investigate the special trait that the particular animal represents. You will find many such interpretations within these pages, but a little research will yield great results if your dream animal is not listed.

The animal’s behaviors and habits will illustrate the instinct that is being highlighted.

The second facet of your interpretation will come from what the animal is doing in your dream.

The activity it is engaged in will correlate with some type of movement (or obstacle to movement) in your waking life.

The dream may be asking you to stop trying to think your way through a situation and instead turn to your instinctive nature for an answer.


By understanding animals and their symbolism we approach life in a more simplistic and natural way. In shamanism, one of the most ancient belief systems, animals are an intrinsic part of the shaman’s (wise man or priest) journey into other realms. They are protective as well as being teachers. Godlike, talking, awe-inspiring or wise animals, or those with human characteristics: animal wisdom is simple and uncomplicated and, therefore, is innocent. In dreams and myths we personalize this quality.

It is always important to pay attention to this aspect of animal life in fairy tales and dreams, since we need to be in touch with that part of ourselves.


The symbolism of animals is highly complex, as different creatures have been used to represent a variety of different notions.

A proper interpretation also depends on one’s personal associations with animals. Generically, animals symbolize the physical, instinctual, “animal” self, and wild dream beasts that one cannot specifically identify usually represent this aspect of the self (or “beastlike” people in one’s environment). One should be careful about this generalization, however, because certain other, more specific animals (e.g., birds) can symbolize precisely the opposite (e.g., the higher self or the soul).


Animals most often represent that aspect of ourselves, or parts of our personality, that are present in our ordinary life.

It is generally given that the more primitive the animal then the more primitive or deeper the layer of consciousness that represents.

To dream of being bitten by an animal may be a manifestation of a fear of animals. What the animal is doing in the dream is also very important, if say, a pig is dancing, then maybe that means that the side of you that likes to over indulge is very happy with that. But if the pig were crying then that might indicate an inner urge to curb and over indulge in habit.


Carl Jung said that all wild animals indicate latent affects (feelings and emotions that we do not readily deal with). They are also symbolic of dangers (hurtful and negative things) being “swallowed” by the unconscious.

The interpretation of the animal in your dream depends on your relationship with it in daily life. Animals represent the qualities in our character or specific aspects of our personalities. They could symbolize our more intuitive and instinctive parts, or they could serve as messengers for the unconscious. Please look up each animal individually by name.


To see wild Animals in a dream is generally a dream of contrary; but there are a few special Animals such as LION, LEOPARD, TIGER, which carry distinct meanings. Any very unusual creature, such as a crocodile, is a bad sign. Domestic Animals have separate meanings, and the CAT and DOG are not considered good dream omens. Cows and Bulls depend upon their attitude; if they are peaceful, they are a good omen; but if they attack you, then expect difficulties in your business ventures.


To see wild animals in your dream is generally a good omen pertaining to business, but the interpretation depends on their at- tude; if they were calm, your affairs will prosper, but if they attacked you (or each other), you can expect some reverses.

See Also: Lion, Dog, Cat, Bull, Cow, Horse, etc.


An uncontrollable animal symbolizes the lust for sex. Docile animals such as pets reveal a state of contentment and pleasant companionship, but the pet itself may be in danger. Wild animals such as the bull, leopard, lion, and so on are considered symbols of desire for sexual fulfillment.


Animals emerge from the Lower World as powerful archetypes and energies. They may lend their wisdom, attributes, and supernatural powers to the dreamer.

The appearance of any animal in a dream may point out that man and nature are not separate but are intricately connected.


Material aspects: When animals appear in a dream they tend to represent an aspect of the personality that cannot be properly understood except on an instinctive level. Below are some common images that occur in dreams.


Freud and others attach sexual significance to dreams of animals; dream interpreters, however, regard the dream of a number of domestic animals as auguring happiness, while wild animals symbolize enemies.


Talking animals can be demonic spirits posing as spirit guides. Running on all fours in a dream like an animal may represent a subconscious feeling of being powerful


Represent people, according to color and character; research accordingly


Dreaming of domestic animals signifies the happy return of absent friends, peaceful domestic relations, and reconciliation of quarrels. Wild animals signify secret enemies, of whom beware, as to dream thus, will bring trouble from them.


lucky numbers: 11-13-30-39-48-50

angry: your wrath is difficult to restrain.

another’s: are a mirror of their emotions toward you.

baboons: a fleeting rise in status, try to maintain it.

beast, talking to a: hardship and misfortune come soon.

beating an: your sense of power is fragile at best.

pigs: misinformation damages your own affairs.

to death: get out of the business before you destroy it.

bleating: new concerns wil be pleasant.

bones, gnawing on: wil fal into complete ruin.

buffaloes: perseverance in the launching of your large enterprise.

buttocks of an: wil soon have money.

buying an: are mimicking another, rather than sharing yourself.

carcass of an: long life and good perspectives.

caressing an: a big fortune is ahead.

chasing you: part of your personality is stubbornly demanding expression.

coyote: a trickster wants to pul you into loneliness.

dead: are ridding yourself of instincts no longer needed.

fangs of an, the: leave before you are kicked out.

fat: abundance during the winter.

feeding: someone is endeavoring to destroy you.

on a carcass: gluttony of backbiting hardly fil s the stomach.

furious: a friend is defending your name.

in a cage, many: your offenses are gathering against you.

giraffe, a: keep your nose out of other’s business.

gnu, a: take a walk in fresh air and natural surroundings.

gopher, a: family troubles are eating at your ability to perform in business.

gorilla, a: your actions are misinterpreted and unjustly criticized.

grunting: time to change your occupation.

head in hands, holding a dog, horse, or donkey: you wil be enslaved.

hippopotamus, a: beneath your authority are unsteady legs.

in a zoo: are bored with people from whom you cannot escape.

hoof of an: are in danger of being swindled by a lover.

hungry: greed interferes with your attaining al ies.

hydrophobia, having: to play with sharks you must first learn to swim.

hyena, being chased by a laughing: others are useless, go it alone.

invading your car: others just want to get close to you.

and attacking you: show them your license to proceed.

and you drive off with them: bring your enemies into your fold.

large: your repressed cravings surface with hostility.

mountain, on a: loss of money in business.

octopus, of an: multiple deals that entangle you in an irreversible situation.

orangutan: a ruthless acquaintance wil stop at nothing to make a fool out of you.

passionate: unfulfil ed lust translates to rage.

paws of an: wil be offended by a person’s bad manners.

domestic, a: friends far away are thinking of you.

wild, a: joy of short duration.

poacher, being a: want to steal another’s lifestyle.

polecat, being a: pick up the scent of deception and confront it.

pursued by wild, being: wil be offended by a friend.

and wounded: are opening yourself up to criticism.

pushing away an: wil soon be divorced from your bitchy behavior.

resting in a stable: wil be unfortunate in love, if you don’t pay attention to it.

field: financial gains, if you broaden your scope.

rodent, a: a pest that confounds the exterminator.

selling an: success postponed until more propitious times.

skinny: must endure starvation to get to the bottom of aggressive nature.

small: a younger sibling needs your attention.

standing in front of your car: other’s concern is real and with positive intent.

stroking: fortune is ahead for you; don’t grab.

talking: protect your flanks from vindictiveness.

you, to an: wil benefit by associating with people of society.

tame: keep your friends close; you are surrounded by enemies.

veterinarian, a: your basic instincts require remedial elevation.

walrus, a: your simple requirements for work stil need refining.

wild, howling: enemies wil get the best of your bigotry.

young: your parental love wil bring about prosperity.


Sources and Authors

  1. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball [Back to dream]
  2. The Element Encyclopedia by Theresa Cheung [Back to dream]
  3. My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean [Back to dream]
  4. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by Tony Crisp [Back to dream]
  5. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by Dr. Michael Lennox [Back to dream]
  6. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  7. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by Martha Clarke [Back to dream]
  8. Dream Symbols and Analysis by DreamForth [Back to dream]
  9. The Language of Dreams by Patrica Telesco [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  11. The Element Encyclopedia by Theresa Cheung [Back to dream]
  12. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by Dr. Mıchael Lennox [Back to dream]
  13. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  14. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver [Back to dream]
  15. Encyclopedia of Dreams by Michael and Elizabeth Thiessen [Back to dream]
  16. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar [Back to dream]
  17. Mystic Dream Book by Internet Archive - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  18. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett [Back to dream]
  19. Psycho Dream Interpretation by Ella Freeman Sharpe [Back to dream]
  20. Ariadne's Book of Dream by Ariadne Green [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  22. The Fabric of Dream by Katherine Taylor Craig [Back to dream]
  23. Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe [Back to dream]
  24. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by Margaret Hamilton [Back to dream]
  25. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland [Back to dream]
  26. The Mystic Dream Book by Stephen Girard [Back to dream]
  27. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by Zolar [Back to dream]
  28. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]

60 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about animals related.

1. If killing, the desire to eliminate a certain aspect of one’s personality as symbolized by the particular animal (e.G., One might kill a lion to eliminate aggressiveness).2. A...

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If the males thereof are seen in the dream with no desire to hunt them, they represent such people who have no Deen; they have alienated themselves from the Muslim community so as ...

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Discovering a stuffed animal in the attic may point to childhood issues and feelings that have been repressed.A stuffed animal is an object of emotional comfort and attachment....

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The willingness and ability to track and trap a wild animal indicates one has great confidence and courage. ...

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(The limbs, eyes, mouth, etc) these all have the same significance as parts of the human body.If the four legs are particularly emphasized – possibly in contrast with a three-leg...

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1. Strength, aggression; conflict.2. Mischievous (“of the devil”).3. A phallus.4. Magic (unicorn). ...

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They all symbolise one’s enemies.The size and strength of such animals is the deciding factor for the strength and power of such enemies.And Allah knows best....

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If a person sees himself as becoming the owner of will animals and these animals are under his full control so that he leads them to wherever he desires, it means he will become th...

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To see someone speaking to the observer or giving him something suggests that the observer4 will socialize or deal with him or someone who bears a similar name or resembles him....

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This is a glad tiding that the one who eats this will be blessed with a long life and plentiful of wealth. And the head of a human being is regarded as better and more excellent.An...

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This symbolises wealth.If it gives off a bad smell it symbolises unlawful wealth.The stronger the odour the greater the unlawfulness....

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If a person sees himself as hunting a wild animal it means he will acquire wealth and booty-whether the hunted animal is a male for female....

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Improper saddling of an animal for a ride in a dream means imposition upon oneselfor others, or it could mean unnecessary and inadequate going out of one’s way....

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(Peel) In a dream, skinning an animal represents an unjust ruler, a tyrant, an oppressor, a policeman who takes people’s money and disappears, or a policeman who can be bribed....

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This means he will oppress someone whom the Haraam animal represents....

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In a dream, the sound of a crowd means money beside other benefits.The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear.The neigh of horses in a dream means might and honor.The...

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The animal horn, in the past, was often connected with the devil. Today it is a sign (more or less) of a “healthy” ability to achieve. Also it may be related to the idea of giv...

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interpreted upon 4 [sides:] following & companions & wealth, comfort, life....

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The childlike side of our personality, or possibly children known to us, can give us information about innocence and naivety....

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To dream of composite animals could indicate some confusion in sorting out what qualities we need to use in waking life.The qualities of the various animals need to be assimilated ...

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The dreamer realizes that some of his impulses are out of kilter....

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When we dream of domesticated animals we are aware of those parts of ourselves with which we have already come to terms. There are passions which are being used in a controlled way...

Learn more about the meaning of Domesticated (tame) Animals

Such an image is often about the ‘demons’ we create which can only be overcome by assimilating them in a constructive way. Shamanic societies believe that one takes on certain ...

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The figures of animals are an easy way for us to accept the help the subconscious and spiritual realms can offer. Your totem animal is traditionally your ‘guide’ through the un...

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We are perceiving a difficulty in behaving maturely or confronting issues in waking life....

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This is symbolic of destroying the energy derived from the instincts.It is trying to eradicate the very raw power of basic behaviour. Taming or harnessing the animal shows the effo...

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To find any animal threatening in a dream indicates the fears and doubts we have over our ability to cope with the stirrings of the unconscious. Such dreams are relatively common w...

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In dreams, the metamorphosis of the dreamer or other people into animals and vice versa shows the potential for change within any situation. Coincidentally, magical techniques allo...

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To dream of trying to find some refuge from animals, whether by building defences or perhaps by running away, is indicative of our struggle with our animal instincts and whether th...

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This suggests that we have been wounded, either emotionally or spiritually, or perhaps that our natural instincts are not being allowed free expression and are, therefore, not func...

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(animal)Seeing a seal in dreams points to emotional loneliness, the result of immaturity or inexperience....

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There is a rich history in many aboriginal cultures that is still part of the collective consciousness around the purity of the color white in the realm of animal totems. Most comm...

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Neither pets nor wild creatures, agricultural animals often represent personal traits that you may have tamed to a certain extent, although there is always the risk that they will ...

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To dream that you are rescuing, caring for or saving the life of an animal, suggests that you are successfully acknowledging certain emotions and characteristics represented by the...

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Dreams about animals in water are symbols of our emotions. Water is a symbol of emotion because water, like emotion, constantly moves and flows. How the animal moves within the wat...

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Maternal and paternal instinct; your basic childhood need for love and protection or your own experience of being parented. A baby animal can refer to yourself when young and vulne...

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To see wild animals caged suggests that you are in control of your instincts.If you are in the cage with them, it could suggest a need to break free from constraints.If you dream o...

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Also known as zoomorphism, to dream that you are changing into the form of an animal indicates that you are becoming less civilized and restrained, and becoming more free and insti...

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Domestic animals symbolize fundamental urges and drives in ourselves which we have learnt to meet and direct with reasonable success. They still have to be cared for though or they...

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Attempting to kill the animal within (our lower brain functions) can cause tension, depression and illness; giving in entirely is no answer either as our higher brain functions nee...

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A common dream symbol that typically represents neglect of some aspect of your inner nature. For example, you may have been given an animal to look after, usually somebody else’s...

Learn more about the meaning of Neglect Of Animals

Hiding from or being trapped by animals can suggest you are feeling controlled or threatened by your urges or the emotions or feelings of others.If the animal is watching you, your...

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To dream of wise animals suggests important information from your intuition or inner wisdom. This intuitive wisdom is within every one of us and the result of thousands of years of...

Learn more about the meaning of Wise Or Talking Animals

The unfeeling, cold, almost inhuman element in some human instincts is often suggested by cold-blooded animals or reptiles.See also REPTILES, FISH AND AMPHIBIANS....

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To dream of animals mixed up with each other, for example, half animal-half man, could suggest confusion in finding the best approach to a situation in waking life. Perhaps the qua...

Learn more about the meaning of Composite Or Deformed Animals

Game animals—notably the deer, rabbit and hare—offer encouragement, and dreamers should view their presence optimistically. The rabbit’s renowned ability to breed offers the ...

Learn more about the meaning of Game Animals

Promise or potential.A new beginning.Hope.Vulnerability.Innocence.The need for care and nurturing.See also the particular type of animal.See Puppy, Kitten, Baby, Animal...

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Adept at improvising or navigating “in the dark” (without information or cues for guidance).A subconscious activity or process.Secret or stealthy activity, perhaps leading to s...

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The symbol of a deep-rooted instinct or the beast within you. Freud suggested that dreams of wild animals represented our most sensual passions, and sometimes the ‘evil instincts...

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It seems that they do, although we can’t know for sure. All we can measure is whether or not they have REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is more or less associated with dream...

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The observation of animal sleep patterns has long been of interest, dating as far back as 44 B.C.E., when the Roman natural philosopher Lucretius described “the twitching movemen...

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Connection.Communication.Expression of positive feelings.Love, compassion, or good will.Support or reassurance.Companionship or togetherness.Petting an animal you don’t know coul...

Learn more about the meaning of Petting An Animal

To see yourself caring for an animal in a dream denotes a compassionate personality. It is likely that in real life you’re being called to look after a person or situation, or pe...

Learn more about the meaning of Caring For Animals

If you find you’re enclosed in a space with a group of animals, or living among them, it is important to note what kind of animal they are and what they represent. If, for exampl...

Learn more about the meaning of Living With Animals

In ancient times, tribes throughout the world looked to the animal kingdom for inspiration, strength and power. Animals were chosen for their specific skills and used as totems. Th...

Learn more about the meaning of Turning Into An Animal

A to Z Dream Interpretation