If a person sees himself or his clothes spattered with excreta of animals which are haraam to consume or he becomes the owner of the excreta or he sees himself guarding such excreta, it means he will receive unlawful wealth.
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If a person sees himself or his clothes spattered with excreta of animals which are haraam to consume or he becomes the owner of the excreta or he sees himself guarding such excreta, it means he will receive unlawful wealth.
[1]This symbolises wealth.If it gives off a bad smell it symbolises unlawful wealth.The stronger the odour the greater the unlawfulness....
Learn more about the meaning of Excreta Of Man And AnimalsDream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, might, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seemed, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: many, chairs, arranged, row
Dream Keywords: dog, chewing, rawhide
Dream Keywords: beige, yellowcolored, dogs