1. Letting go of unnecessary things, possibly past experiences or unhelpful attitudes.
2. Clumsiness, perhaps in relationships.
3. Projects or responsibilities are slipping away (as in “to drop the ball”).
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
1. Letting go of unnecessary things, possibly past experiences or unhelpful attitudes.
2. Clumsiness, perhaps in relationships.
3. Projects or responsibilities are slipping away (as in “to drop the ball”).
[1]If a person sees himself conquering or defeating a mountain (as in a fight), it means he will commit murder....
Learn more about the meaning of Conquering Or Dropping A Mountain(Excrements of a bird.) In a dream, droppings mean a new garment.If the droppings are those of an eagle or a vulture in the dream, they mean dethroning a king or a leader.(Also see...
Learn more about the meaning of DroppingsIt symbolises haraam wealth....
Learn more about the meaning of Droppings Of Animals That Are Not EatenDream Keywords: planting, onion
Dream Keywords: indistinct, facefigure
Dream Keywords: saw, female, male, genitalia
Dream Keywords: disassemble, person, frozen, refrigerator
Dream Keywords: lecturer, combing, hair, applying, oil, making, shine
Dream Keywords: smelled, something, similar, street, reminiscent, fish, remember, scent