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Drowning Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 31 Unique Sources About Drowning

drowning image

Since water is a metaphor for feelings, a dream about drowning usually means that you are afraid of being overwhelmed by powerful emotions. If an intense relationship of yours is going wrong, for instance, you may be experiencing a sinking feeling in your waking life that is subsequentlyreflectedinyourdream.

If your relationships are not the issue, your dream could reflect any situation where you feel you’ve lost control. Perhaps you are finding it difficult to keep your head above water financially, or feeling out of your depth in some other area of your life.

Maybe you have taken on so many responsibilities that you are inundated with demands on your time and energy.

A dream about drowning can sometimes reflect a health challenge. If you suffer from water retention, the dream could be a warning that your condition is getting worse. It would be wise to see your doctor as a precautionary measure.

Questions to ask yourself - and what to do when the answer is ‘yes’

Am I afraid of being overwhelmed by my feelings?

  • You need emotional support, so don’t hesitate to discuss your feelings with someone whose calm judgment you respect. Talking things through may not alter the situation, but will help you to be more objective about it.

Am I in a situation that I feel helpless to control?

  • I suggest you seek appropriate advice without delay. Whether you need a relationship counsellor, a financial adviser or another source of professional help, taking this initial step will help you to feel more in charge.

Am I inundated with demands on my time and energy?

  • Your dream is challenging you to learn to say ‘no’, kindly but firmly. Could you delegate some of your responsibilities? If the thought fills you with horror, you may be trying too hard to control too many aspects of your life and need to sort out your priorities.


A dream about drowning can be interpreted in multiple ways. Firstly, since water is a metaphor for feelings, it usually means that the dreamer is afraid of being overwhelmed by powerful emotions. If an intense relationship is going wrong, for instance, the person may experience a sinking feeling in their waking life that is subsequently reflected in their dream. If relationships are not the issue, the dream could reflect any situation where the person feels they’ve lost control. Perhaps they are finding it difficult to keep their head above water financially, or feeling out of their depth in some other area of their life.

Secondly, a dream about drowning can sometimes reflect a health challenge. If the person suffers from water retention, the dream could be a warning that their condition is getting worse. It would be wise to see a doctor as a precautionary measure.

Thirdly, drowning may simply mean death; or may be a symbol of death-and-rebirth. Water may be a symbol of the unconscious, so drowning may express a threat or fear of being swallowed up or taken over - overwhelmed - by unconscious forces. If there is such a threat, it will be from repressed and neglected contents of the unconscious. This can be resolved by consulting a friend or psychotherapist.

Fourthly, drowning may also indicate a perceived inability to handle a stressful situation around us at the time of the dream. We have allowed ourselves to be put in a situation over which we have no control. We may be ‘floundering around’ with no way of being able to escape from a difficulty we are in.

Lastly, drowning in a dream signifies the dreamer can no longer hide their feelings about a certain situation. These dreams usually occur when the dreamer is feeling overwhelmed in real life. The dreamer should face their fears and explore what they’re feeling over emotional about. This can be a dream response to losing someone very close. It can also mean that the person feels suffocated or dominated by someone in their life.

In conclusion, a dream about drowning can have different interpretations depending on the individual and their current situation. It may signify overwhelming emotions, a health challenge, the need to face repressed or neglected contents of the unconscious, a perceived inability to handle a situation, or the need to face their fears and explore what they’re feeling over emotional about. It is important to recognize the symbolism in the dream and seek appropriate advice or support if necessary.


(See Also: Air-Sea Rescue)

(1) If there is some area of your life where you are - or feel - unable to ‘keep your head above water’, this is probably what the dream is about Dreams that follow may tell you what to do about the situation. You can cither change the situation or change yourself, so that you react differently, or remove yourself (physically) from the situation.

(2) Water may be a symbol of the unconscious, so drowning may express a threat or fear of being swallowed up or taken over - overwhelmed - by unconscious forces.

If there is such a threat, it will be from repressed and neglected contents of the unconscious. What have

you been bottling up? Consult a friend or, if need be, a psychotherapist.

See Also: Flood.

(3) Since water may represent the feminine, your dream may be asking you to do something about a mother-attachment that is stunting your development as an individual in your own right. A man’s failure to free himself from such an attachment (which may be largely unconscious) may have disastrous results in his relations with women - in whom he will always seek his mother. A woman, unlike a man, doesn’t usually have to cope with the effects of an infantile incestuous fixation of her libido on her mother; but both Freud and Rank stressed the crucial influence of the mother on both male and female children: for all infants, male and female, the earliest deep attachment is to the mother, the source of nourishment. Moreover, for the achievement of normal development the female child must - according to Freud - perform the additional task of transferring her libidinal attachment from mother to father. Jung, too, regarded the liberating of oneself from psychological bondage to one’s mother as the first great step in the process of self- realization. (For self-realization) See also Mother.

(4) Drowning may simply mean death; or may be a symbol of death- and-rebirth.

See Also: Baptism, Death.


Universal Landscape: Surrender to emotional processing.

Dreaming Lens: Were you drowning in your dream or was someone else drowning? Were you saved? Did you save another? Did you die? Did someone in your dream die? Was it frightening? Was there frantic desperation involved or was it peaceful?

Personal Focus: This image must be carefully considered through the Universal Landscape before adding the Personal Lens. Many people have free-floating anxiety associated with the fantasy of drowning. When this is the case, the universal meaning of peaceful surrender will often be overlooked when considering this as a dream image. No matter how deep your level of fear is around the frightening possibility of an actual drowning, the return to our watery roots and turning one’s self over to the gentle embrace of the weightlessness of water implies a very serene experience from the symbolic perspective.

Water, as a symbol, always connects to the world of emotions. To drown is to die. To die is to sacrifice part of the Self in order to be reborn again. Therefore to drown in a dream is a beautiful transformation that occurs by virtue of giving one’s self over to inevitable emotional processes that lead you to a new way of being in the world. The presence of panic in a dream of drowning is a signal of resistance to the emotional change that is afoot. The more intense the panic, the greater the resistance being expressed. Being able to breathe or, at least, function normally under water is a common dream image. While this is not generally experienced by the dreamer as a drowning dream, the meaning connects to the same concept of grace and ease with emotional overwhelm.


Drowning expresses nothing other than a feeling of anxiety that has been extended for quite a long time. Generally, suffocation indicates that you are burdened by excessive responsibilities. Therefore, it can be interpreted as advice: you should rest or take a short break, as you have reached the limits of your strength.

If you drown in dangerous waters, you may be afraid to be absorbed by the hidden power of your unconscious, as if you were giving yourself to it too quickly. In these cases, it is helpful to discuss these fears with a friend so they can restore your sense of reality. From the emotional point of view, you may also be afraid to sink into your problems. You should make sure you are on firm ground before making any decision.

If, while you are drowning, someone rescues you, it is considered a good omen for business. The contrary applies if nobody comes to help.


If you feel like you are drowning in a dream then you are most likely drowning in real life in some way. You could be drowning in sorrow, overwhelmed by your emotions for something or someone, or drowning in debt. You feel like you are in ‘over your head’ and that you cannot breathe. Often this refers to a relationship, because the element of water is linked to the emotions. In this instance, you could be in too deep and feel you’ve lost your sense of identity. There’s a sinking feeling that comes with this, you find yourself in a difficult situation and you don’t how you’re going to get out of it. Stay calm. Breathe and spend some time in quiet contemplation. Give your brain the oxygen it needs to come up with a practical solution.


See Also: Swimming

1- When we are drowning in a dream this usually indicates we are in danger of being overwhelmed by emotions we cannot handle. We are fearful of allowing our emotions free expression. Drowning may also indicate a perceived inability to handle a stressful situation around us at the time of the dream.

2- We have allowed ourselves to be put in a situation over which we have no control. We may be ‘floundering around’ with no way of being able to escape from a difficulty we are in.

3- Drowning symbolises an immersion in the Sea of Life, and therefore a loss of ego.


Large bodies of water often symbolize the unconscious, so drowning may indicate being overwhelmed by unconscious, repressed issues.

This need not being entirely negative; being forced to face issues one has been avoiding can have a positive outcome. Water also symbolizes the emotions, and dreams about drowning sometimes occur during periods of crisis (e.g., loss of a loved one) when one feels overwhelmed by emotions. Finally, drowning sometimes is initiatory symbolism, indicating that the dreamer is entering a new stage of development and “dying” to the old self.


Example: ‘1 fell into a pond. My brother was frightened to be by himself so he jumped in. We were both drowning in the water and we shouted out for Mum. My brother drowned’ (Poppy S). Poppy dreamt this while feeling insecure and anxious because her father was ill. Because of the water, drowning depicts fear of being overwhelmed by difficult emotions or anxieties. Someone else drowning: may occasionally show our apprehension about their health or well being, having the suggestion of death or breakdown.


This is a very common dream that usually invokes a great amount of fear. However, it may have positive significance. This dream may suggest to the dreamer that he is overwhelmed by unresolved emotions, old issues, or a current crisis. It suggests that a release of the old is necessary in order to emerge and begin anew. This dream serves to awaken the dreamer to consciously embrace and begin to effectively cope with problems and negativity in his life.


To dream that you drown or in the midst of drowning is a bad omen as it pertains to the health of your business and partnership activities.

If you die, your business will fail and a great loss will occur for you but if you are rescued and revived, then you will have a good friend step in and save your business. Other aspects of this dream deals with your relationships and can be interpreted as with a business.


To dream of drowning, denotes loss of property and life; but if you are rescued, you will rise from your present position to one of wealth and honor.

To see others drowning, and you go to their relief, signifies that you will aid your friend to high places, and will bring deserved happiness to yourself.

For a young woman to see her sweetheart drowned, denotes her bereavement by death.


Sinking into the unconscious, helplessness, lack of planning in your life. Being washed away by the flow of emotions.

Fear of being swallowed up by the unconscious. As in Suffocating, where the issue is to get more air, here it is a matter of being safe in the Water, about feelings and (emotional) needs that bring more energy and inner strength.


Dreaming of drowning in deep water suggests being overwhelmed by your unconscious thoughts and emotions.

• Face your fears and explore what you’re feeling over emotional about. This can be a dream response to losing someone very close.

• It can also mean that you feel suffocated or dominated by someone in your life.


A feeling or fear of overwhelming circumstances, helplessness, hopelessness, or loss of control, or of an important need being denied.

The idea of “too much,” “going overboard” or “getting in over your head.” A desire for help or rescue.

See Also: Underwater, Breathing, Death of You, Flood


Psychological / emotional perspective: When we are drowning in a dream this usually indicates we are in danger of being overwhelmed by emotions we cannot handle. We are fearful of allowing our emotions free expression.


1. To be overwhelmed, usually emotionally.

2. Feelings of loss of self, identity.

3. Problems with mother or motherlike person.

4. Problems in an intimate relationship, often with communication and identity.


1. Overwhelmed by events;

2. Beyond one’s depth;

3. Catastrophe;

4. Being in debt;

5. Suffering;

6. Temptation; dejection and mournfulness; to backslid; 1 Tim. 6:9; Is. 61:3; Rev. 12:15-16; Matt. 18:6.


Feeling overwhelmed, perhaps by work, obligations, or life itself.

Inundation; too many people making too many demands on the dreamer. Astrological/Tarot parallels: Cancer, The Moon


Drowning in a dream signifies you can no longer hide your feelings about a certain situation. These dreams usually occur when the dreamer is feeling overwhelmed in real life.


Water symbolizes birth and life, so a dream of drowning is a selfish desire to be reborn, to live again. It may be due to a lack of love or to the many burdens of living.


Drowning symbolizes an immersion in the sea of life, and therefore a loss of ego. We seem to have nothing to support our efforts.


If you are drowning, it means you will be shamed.

If someone else is drowning, you will be involved in a minor scandal.


Symbolic of an attack from people or the devil, Ps. 124:2-5


To dream you are drowning, or that you see another drowned or drowning, portends good to the dreamer. To the lover it denotes that your sweetheart is good-tempered and inclined to marry you.


lucky numbers: 11-14-18-23-29-30

able to breath underwater: current events weigh you down; shocking how able you are.

afraid of: misfortune in love is around the corner.

awakened upon impact of cold water: are unable to function without a jolt.

before: are afraid of losing your identity.

being drowned alive in water by others: be aware of clues to your enemy’s identity.

murky: hard to see what to do, but you know what you want to forget.

businessman, a: are forced to face issues of bankruptcy.

can’t breathe: situation seems life-threatening; are grossly overextended.

capsized boat, in a: are helpless in changing your life’s direction; ask for aid.

children being rescued from: wil have prosperity and appropriate high position.

falling into the water, by: immersion in the unconscious to bereave a loss.

car plunging, in a: are overwhelmed with unconscious, repressed issues.

jumping: are forced to face issues previously left untended.

husband or wife: serious disaster is ahead; loss of stability and balance.

others: joy and triumph is yours.

own children: anxiety of childbirth—your own.

people clutching at you: save yourself first; then return for the others.

reaction to near drowning: terror at your own ineptitude in coping with your emotions.

are saved: friends wil help you get through problems in one piece.

die: bitterness is debilitating your wil to live.

feel calm: overwhelming situation wil become manageable.

give up: wil lose al that you have, to make room for bereavement and despair.

lucidity: with your il -thoughts submerged, hope can emerge from the deluge.

save self: wil go the distance; keep your eye on your sweetheart.

terror: prospects and ease after seemingly hopeless struggles with fortune.

try to swim: take lifeguard lessons now and save yourself!

yell: no one can rescue you from your current situation except you.

relatives: big ruin ahead through this dreadful calamity.

rescued from: expect help from a friend.

rescuing others from: a friend wil reach a high position.

trapped underwater: are overwhelmed by impending doom.


Drowning in a dream means falling into sin and incurring the displeasure of God Almighty. Drowning in a dream also means entering hell-fire. Ifone dies of drowning in his dream, one should fear going astray or following innovations. Drowning in the sea, then floating in the process of trying to save oneselffrom death in a dream means indulging in the business of the world and .lvU lHN SEERIN’S forgetting about one’s spiritual commitment. It also means attaining success in one’s endeavors and gaining a strong foothold in one’s business. Ifone does come out of the water alive in his dream, it means amending his life for the better and pursuing the correct course of serving one’s religious life.

If one sees himself after coming out of the water wearing a green garment in a dream, it means that he will pursue the path of knowledge and succeed in acquiring it.

If one drowns and plunges to the bottom of the sea in a dream, it means that he will incur the wrath of someone in authority who will persecute him and cause him to perish. Drowning in a dream also means dying from an illness. Drowning in seawater in a dream means revival of one’s faith in God Almighty. Drowning in freshwater in a dream means becoming extremely wealthy.


Drowning in the ocean of clean water suggest that the observer of the dream will “drown” in matters of sovereignty or government. But if the water is brackish or filthy it means he will encounter hardships which will cause ruin to him


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by Dreampedia [Back to dream]
  2. Dream Encyclopedia by Joseph Clerk [Back to dream]
  3. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by Eric Ackroyd [Back to dream]
  4. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by Dr. Michael Lennox [Back to dream]
  5. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by Martha Clarke [Back to dream]
  6. Dreams Interpretations Hidden Meanings Symbols by Alison Davies [Back to dream]
  7. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball [Back to dream]
  8. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver [Back to dream]
  9. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by Tony Crisp [Back to dream]
  10. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by Pagan - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  11. Encyclopedia of Dreams by Michael and Elizabeth Thiessen [Back to dream]
  12. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by Gustavus Hindman Miller [Back to dream]
  13. Little Giant Encyclopedia by Klaus Vollmar [Back to dream]
  14. The Premier in Dream Dictionary by The Premier [Back to dream]
  15. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by Nancy Wagaman [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  17. New American Dream Dictionary by Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin [Back to dream]
  18. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by Astro Center [Back to dream]
  20. My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean [Back to dream]
  21. Psycho Dream Interpretation by Ella Freeman Sharpe [Back to dream]
  22. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  23. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland [Back to dream]
  24. Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe [Back to dream]
  25. The Mystic Dream Book by Stephen Girard [Back to dream]
  26. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by Zolar [Back to dream]
  27. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]
  28. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]

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