Erecting or building a masjid is an indication that the person will join a group of people in an effort to accomplish some noble task or to enable someone to get married
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Erecting or building a masjid is an indication that the person will join a group of people in an effort to accomplish some noble task or to enable someone to get married
[1]If angels are seen in mosques it means that due to the religious shortcomings of the people of that town, the angels are commanding them to engage in dua, salaah, charity and since...
Learn more about the meaning of Angels In The Masjid(arb. God’s House, Mosque, Place of worship) In Arabic, the word masjid means a place of prostration, while the word Jami means a place of gathering.A masjid or a mosque in a dr...
Learn more about the meaning of MasjidIf a person sees himself as nude in the masjid or market place or in any other place, provided non had seen his aurah nor had anyone taunted him it suggest cheerfulness after sorro...
Learn more about the meaning of Nudity In The MasjidDream Keywords: please, provide, context, details, word, dump, seems, like, might, part, larger, sentence, idea
Dream Keywords: please, provide, context, details, assist, better
Dream Keywords: dumping, refers, practice, selling, goods, foreign, market, price, lower, normal, value, often, cost, gain, share
Dream Keywords: unload
Dream Keywords: buying, cassava, unfamiliar, women
Dream Keywords: open, door, departed, parent, speak, seem, diminish, size
Dream Keywords: red, moon, rain
Dream Keywords: bathed, sea, night, rain, falling, looking, red, moon
Dream Keywords: woman, buying, cauliflower, shop