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Gate Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 23 Unique Sources About Gate

gate image

General Meaning: A new season that is either spiritual or relating to business. Spiritual: • Isaiah 45:1 ...and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates will not be shut; • Business: • Proverbs 31:23 Her husband is known in the gates, where he sits among the elders of the land.

• Positive: To see a new gate in a dream or vision is a picture of a new season in your life. Depending on the kind of gate, you will have a clearer picture on the kind of season that the Lord is taking you into.

• It represents the start of something new, but also the end of something as well.

To go through a gate means to leave the old behind.

(Much like the picture of a door) With a gate though, the picture speaks more of not just a single opportunity but a change in your life as a whole.

• I see gates often in the spirit and will share a bit of my own experience to help you identify what God is showing you.

• Golden Gate • I often see the gates as golden in my visions and they are a picture of a new season in my ministry.

A clear ministry road. Usually the gate or road ahead is bigger or quite different to the one before.

• Gold is a picture of the deity of God and a good picture of ministry. This speaks of a new focus and season in ministry.

The birth of a new ministry vision.

• Silver Gate • Silver is a picture of our redemption in Christ as well as a good symbol for money.

A silver gate represents a new season in your business and work place.

• Double Door Gate • I have seen this often relating to couples. How each are going through the same gate but each have their own aspect to add to the vision that God is giving them.

• Garden Gate • This speaks of a season of joy and rest. I have seen the Lord lead someone through a garden gate into a garden to tend. This speaks of a season of training but in a secure and pleasant environment.

• Desert Gate • There are times that I have seen the Lord lead someone to a gate where there is a desert or wilderness on the other side. When this happens, I know that he is leading this person into a season of ministry training.

• Jesus Himself was led to the wilderness before his ministry took off and this is valid for us still today.

Negative: Gate of the City • When the gate is from the enemy to lock us in, then it is not positive. However as in the case with Samson, he simply picked the city gate up and carried it up the hill! • In the same way if you see a gate that is locking you in, it is for you to stand in the name of the Lord Jesus and to come against it!


Door, Road.


Gates have associations similar to doors and archways with some minor variations.

For example, if the gate has a keeper, this person may symbolize your Higher Self or a guardian figure (See Also: Angel) waiting to help you traverse this obstacle.

Gates have strong correlations with fertility and productivity, being that the womb is sometimes referred to as the gate of all life.”

The barrier between worlds, in this case the conscious and subconscious. Many mythologies speak of the gate that leads to paradise in the afterlife. Once the spirit passes this juncture, there can be no return to mortality.


To dream of seeing or passing through a gate, foretells that alarming tidings will reach you soon of the absent. Business affairs will not be encouraging.

To see a closed gate, inability to overcome present difficulties is predicted.

To lock one, denotes successful enterprises and well chosen friends.

A broken one, signifies failure and discordant surroundings.

To be troubled to get through one, or open it, denotes your most engrossing labors will fail to be remunerative or satisfactory.

To swing on one, foretells you will engage in idle and dissolute pleasures.


A threshold, like that between conscious self aware­ness and our total experience. Such a gate needs to open and close—open to allow selected memory, close to prevent mas­sive flooding of impressions.

The gate can also portray the passage from one period of life, or level of maturity, to an­other. Therefore, to stand before adolescence, parenthood, death, might be shown as facing a gate in a dream. Also similar to door—entrance to something different, or to some­one else’s life, as in marriage.

See Also: door under house, build­ings; example in dog under animals.


A gate is an opening in what is otherwise a boundaried enclosure.

The symbolic meaning behind a fence or a wall is the separation that is constructed to keep different ideas or areas of consciousness apart.

The gate, therefore, represents the choice to move into new territory.

If a gate is locked and is blocking your way, you are at a crossroads.

If you are on the inside of a gate, consider that choices you have made to be open may be leaving you feeling too exposed.

A broken gate indicates the loss of the ability to protect yourself with appropriate boundaries.


Dreaming of a gate usually signifies some kind of change, often in awareness. We arc passing a threshold in our lives, perhaps trying something different or moving from one phase of life to another.

Often the awareness of changc is highlighted by the type of gate.

For instance a farm gate would tend to indicate a work change, whereas a garden gate might represent pleasure.

3- ‘I’he gate between the physical and spiritual realms has a long established existence It is used as a ‘gateway’ for communication, and can be utilised as such if the dreamer so wishes.


An open gate is a harbinger of promising opportunities in the near future.

Dreaming of a closed gate is an obstacle dream. However, the obstacles can be overcome if you work hard at it.

To judge exactly what obstacles you face, look to other symbols in the dream.

A locked gate implies obstacles that are practically impassible, unless in the dream you also find ways to go over it, under it, or around it. In the latter case, success is practically guaranteed.


This is a form of our old friend the obstacle dream, and of course all the contributing (if any) factors should be correlated, but as a general guide:

An open gate signifies opportunities ahead.

A closed gate indicates obstacles which can be overcome if you succeeded in opening it.

A locked gate predicts insurmountable obstacles, unless you climbed over it or found a way around it, in which case your frustration will be transitory.


The gate in dreams is a potent image of the transition between the physical and spiritual realms, not just in the sense of death, but also as we learn more about spirituality.

It is used as a ‘gateway’ for communication, and as a visualization before sleep can help us to access much information. It will sometimes signify the half-aware hypnogogic and hynopompic states between sleeping and waking.


Dreams of a gate represent an opportunity for an opening in your life. Or a gate could represent a barrier that stands between one realm and another and/or what separates or protects you from a great challenge or a great blessing. Consider the feeling tone of this dream.

See Also: Boundary, Door.


Material aspects: In everyday life the image of passing through some kind of barrier appears often in dreams.

An ornate gate might suggest a somewhat structured change, whereas an old gate, particularly if it is broken, suggests a well-worn way of working, which may need updating.


A gate can be an entry point for angels and demons, Isa. 28:6, Gen. 28:17.

If you find yourself at a gate in a dream it can also symbolize a position of council, Gen. 19:1. Closing a gate in a dream is symbolic of shutting someone or something out of a person’s life, Mal. 1:10


Vision: Seeing an open gate: friends are looking forward to your visit (or vice versa)—don’t disappoint them.

A closed gate: you will receive a cold welcome.

Depth Psychology: The gate is the symbol of the boundaries and limits vou need to overcome.


See Also: Door.

A symbol of transition and a suggestion that something new is coming.

See Also: Threshold. According to Freud, if the dreamer is a neurotic person, the image has unmistakable sexual meaning (vagina).

Astrology: A Saturn symbol.


To find your way blocked by a closed gate means you will be frustrated in your desires.

If the gate is open and you can pass through, then your plans will go fairly smoothly with only minor hitches.


1. Opportunity, entering into;

2. Access;

3. Separation (closed gate);

4. Power of authority;

5. Satanic power;

Gen. 19:1; 22:17; 24:60; Hos. 2:15; Ex. 32:26-27.


Dreaming of a closed gate predicts impending difficulties.

A broken gate, failure to gain immediate advancement. Swinging on a gate, love of pleasure before work.


1. Entry to a new phase of one’s life.

2. New opportunity.

3. If gate can’t be opened, something is stopping the dreamer’s abil­ity to go forward.


Gates represent entrances to a new place or new circumstances in life. They also symbolize the “exit” from old, unwanted conditions. (See Also: Door.)


1. Access;

2. Barrier or not knowing Christ (closed gate);

3. Opportunity (open gate’s)

Psalm 24:7, 9; Psalm 118:20; Neh. 7:3; 13:19.


lucky numbers: 04-05-07-16-19-40

broken: your favorite engrossing endeavors wil fail to pay for themselves.

closed: are oppressed with difficulties that only climbing the fence wil al eviate.

locking a: various business affairs can no longer be ignored.

of a: are very much in love and wish to contain it.

of others, the: opportunities to participate in other’s projects.

open: others welcome your visit and offer opportunities.

opening of a: time to move forward.

others being at your: untrue friends lead a sparkling social life; don’t join them.

passing through a: wil be shocked with receipt of bad news.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Way of Dreams and Visions by Colette Toach [Back to dream]
  2. The Language of Dreams by Patrica Telesco [Back to dream]
  3. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by Gustavus Hindman Miller [Back to dream]
  4. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by Tony Crisp [Back to dream]
  5. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by Dr. Mıchael Lennox [Back to dream]
  6. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball [Back to dream]
  7. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by Astro Center [Back to dream]
  8. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett [Back to dream]
  9. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  10. Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  12. Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe [Back to dream]
  13. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  14. Little Giant Encyclopedia by Klaus Vollmar [Back to dream]
  15. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  17. Psycho Dream Interpretation by Ella Freeman Sharpe [Back to dream]
  18. New American Dream Dictionary by Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  21. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by Zolar [Back to dream]
  22. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]

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