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Goat Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 26 Unique Sources About Goat

goat image

Symbol: The goat stands for being alert and listening attentively. Vision: Watching goats at play: try not to be too boisterous or foolish. Watching goats being milked: modesty will serve you well in a coming situation. Listening to goats: it does not matter how hard you try—someone will always find something to complain about.

Depth Psychology: The female goat is a symbol of patience, modesty, amiability, and the ability to resolve challenging situations without difficulty.

The goat—as the sacrificial lamb—is also a sign of the sacrifices you have made in your life. Which description—modesty or martyrdom—fits your present situation?

See Also: Billy Goat.


Traditionally a symbol of virility, and so if a goat appears in a woman’s dream, it can be linked to a lover she desires, or to fertility and procreative power.

Similarly, if a goat appears in a man’s dream, it attests to the amount of importance he ascribes to his virility and, in context with the rest of the dream, should be interpreted in this way. It can also suggest the ability to ‘climb’ and survive difficulties, personally or socially. Occasionally it is connected with natural drives which, if they become repressed, are associated with the devil.

If the goat is attacking, this may indicate somebody butting into your life or some form of conflict.


Dreams of a goat reflect that something is eating at you or that someone’s got your goat. You are letting things make you feel bad. This dream is giving you the message to take responsibility for the situation you are in and to stop blaming or making anyone your scapegoat. Alternatively, this dream might signify that you are climbing upward toward status and recognition. You are butting your way through the obstacles to your success with machismo. In the Hebrew traditions it is believed that he who dreams about goats shall be blessed throughout all their years.

See Also: Capricorn.


The wild goat conveys an idea of freedom and agility. The male goat represents sexual potency. Some people associate this animal to the devil. The latter, of course, has negative connotations; it states that you are judging and condemning yourself.

This animal has a negative esoteric interpretation in either case. Thus, owning a goat is announcement of discomfort; milking it indicates family illness; slitting its throat, misery. The only exceptions to this negative aspect are represented by the white goat, which promises luck, and by owning a large herd, an indicator of wealth.


To dream of goats wandering around a farm, is significant of seasonable weather and a fine yield of crops To see them otherwise, denotes cautious dealings and a steady increase of wealth.

If a billy goat butts you, beware that enemies do not get possession of your secrets or business plans.

For a woman to dream of riding a billy goat, denotes that she will be held in disrepute because of her coarse and ill-bred conduct.

If a woman dreams that she drinks goat’s milk, she will marry for money and will not be disappointed.


When interpreting dreams with goats in them, consider the characteristics that we associate with these animals. We consider them to be sturdy and tenacious. Historically, lambs are sacrificial and when we place blame on an individual we may call him a “scapegoat.” Additionally, in pagan mythology goats are considered to be symbols of sexual vitality. Look at the details of your dream and see if you can connect any of these characteristics to yourself or someone else in your daily life.

See Also: Also: Animals


Resourcefulness or the ability to “make do.” Security in your own self.

Agility or the ability to “climb” or make progress.


Lack of pickiness or discretion in what you allow into your life or your personal space.

Dreaming of this animal can represent too much or not enough of one of those qualities, or someone or something you associate with the quality or animal.

Consider also the animal’s actions, context, and your feelings about it.

See Also: Animal


Since a young goat is called a kid, a goat may suggest the need for and importance of nurtunng the inner child, the aspect of you that is innocent and divine. It could also arrive to represent your own children or the children of others.

A mountain goat may come to lead you on a narrow rock path or precipice, demonstrating your power and ability to make a difficult transition or life passage. Mountain goat brings the attribute of surefootedness.


To dream of a goat is to recognize creative energy and masculine vitality. It may also represent the dark side of human nature, promiscuousness and sexuality.

To be riding a goat is to be trying to come to terms with our relationship with the dark side of our nature.

The goat may also represent the devil or satan, as seen in old woodcut images.

It is also the symbol for the astrological sign of capricorn.


A dream concerning goats is a warning against involving yourself in any venture or activity which is not strictly cm the up and up; the warning is especially strong if the dream featured milking a goat.

If you were chased, frightened, or butted by a goat, the message pertains specifically to gambling— don’t!


The sacrificial “scapegoat,” the tenacious “old goat,” and “getting someone’s goat” all indicate the sturdiness of this animal.

This symbol is also associated with sexual vitality (“lecherous old goat”), especially when depicted as a satyr, such as the god Pan in pagan mythology.


1. Lower down on the social scale than most groups.

2. Ability to absorb great indignities.

3. Stupid and gullible.

4. No compas­sion (from steinbeck’s reference in east of eden: “she had eyes like a goat, flat, no depth, devoid of human compassion”).


Able to digest almost anything, which may indicate lack of judgment. Getting to the root of the problem; clean up negativity that is blocking progress. Using someone or something as a scapegoat, not accepting self-responsibility.


To dream of goats is a sign of prosperity. But if you get butted by a goat, you will suffer a loss.

To be milking a goat means several small setbacks but final triumph.


If a maiden dreams of drinking goat’s milk, it is a sign that she will marry for money and that she will be successful in finding at the same time the man she loves.


A Capricomian’s basic traits. Rutting sexuality; ability to climb socially. Sometimes connected with repressed natural drives which become reversed or evil/live.


To dream of a goat indicates an extra bonus may be yours if you are cautious with present work.

The goat is a symbol of male potency.


Enemies, trials and deceit (Artemidorus). An emblem of lewdness and wickedness in Christian symbolism.


Dreaming of a goat means you will get your way in an upcoming negotiation.


Symbolic of those who do not believe in Christ, Matt. 25:33


A goat may be a symbol of male sexuality.


A person on the wrong side of life


A goat in a dream means prosperity, richness, a servant, associating with a cheap woman or a prostitute.

A fat goat in a dream represents entertaining girls, or it could mean orphans.

If one brings a goat into his house in a dream, it means that he is inviting poverty into his life.

(See Also: Billy goat, Bullfight)


Sources and Authors

  1. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  2. The Element Encyclopedia by Theresa Cheung [Back to dream]
  3. Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  4. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by Martha Clarke [Back to dream]
  5. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by Gustavus Hindman Miller [Back to dream]
  6. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar [Back to dream]
  7. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by Nancy Wagaman [Back to dream]
  8. Ariadne's Book of Dream by Ariadne Green [Back to dream]
  9. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  10. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver [Back to dream]
  12. New American Dream Dictionary by Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin [Back to dream]
  13. The Dream Books Symbols by Betty Bethards [Back to dream]
  14. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland [Back to dream]
  15. The Complete Dream Book by Gillian Holloway [Back to dream]
  16. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by Tony Crisp [Back to dream]
  17. Psycho Dream Interpretation by Ella Freeman Sharpe [Back to dream]
  18. The Fabric of Dream by Katherine Taylor Craig [Back to dream]
  19. My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean [Back to dream]
  20. Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe [Back to dream]
  21. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by Eric Ackroyd [Back to dream]
  22. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by Margaret Hamilton [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  24. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]

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