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Grain Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 23 Unique Sources About Grain

grain image

See Also: Rye. Grain in general symbolizes mental / intellectual and physical needs; but it may also—through an association with the “grim reaper”— point to the transforming power of Death. This may also address the question of personal productivity.

See Also: Field, Harvest. Bountiful harvest means self-confidence and health, crop failure the opposite.

A field of grain points to the “Fields of Life” and the “Field of Experience.” Here is a chance to find out what you have to work on.

If you are a city person, the image of peace and quiet indicates a longing for a more natural life and relaxation. It relates to the idea that life bears fruit and brings maturity. Grain nourishes.

Folklore: A sign of luck. Success after hard work.


Dreams of grain represent the macrocosm within the microcosm; that within a tiny grain of sand exists the entire shore of life. Your subconscious mind is telling you that it’s the little things that count the most, and to pay attention to the details.

If you are going with the grain, then you are in sync/harmony with the universe.

If you are going against the grain, then you are feeling disharmonious, struggling and learning the hard way. Grain is also associated with harvest, reaping what you sew, abundance and your visions coming into fruition.

See Also: Goddess Demeter, Bread.


1- Dreaming of grains such as wheat, oats, barley, etc. can indicate some kind of a harv est. We have created opportunities for ourselves which can now come to fruition. Provided we look after the outcome of these opportunities, we can take that success forward and create even more abundance.

2- To dream of grain growing in a field can indicate that we are more or less on the point of success, that we have tended our lives sufficiently to be able to achieve growth.

3- Grain can represent the very- seeds of life and our need to discover the hidden truth.


Vision: Harvesting grain: actual worries will soon go away. Buying grain: a problematic future, because your own “supplies”—emotional and material—are getting low.

If you have a lot of grain: you will continue to prosper. Having little grain means material as well as emotional losses in the near future.


Another symbol of Earth’s bounty. Dreams of grain are almost always harbingers of prosperity and happiness, unless the grain is burning or spoiled. In that case, a setback could be in the works, but still, grain is such a positive symbol that the setback in question should be easily resolved.


Gives gender-specific: Grain and the sheaf of corn are old symbols for fertility and for nurturing. In a woman’s dream she will recognize her essential nature through these symbols. In a man’s dream, he will appreciate nature and nurturing.


No matter what the action, grain in a dream is a most fortunate omen of prosperity, unless it was spoiled or on fire, in which case it is a warning that your business affairs need closer attention if you want to avoid hardship.


Psychological / emotional perspective: To dream of grain growing in a field can indicate that we are more or less on the point of success, that we have tended our lives sufficiently to be able to achieve growth.


Grain is a fundamental and basic food source and was, in fact, the substance that allowed civilization to flourish. As such, it has an archetypal connection to the sustenance of life, abundance, and prosperity.


A dream of prosperity; to see great bins in a storehouse, plenty; a field of grain denotes profit; to harvest grain augurs wealth; to carry it, weariness (Artemidorus). The symbolism is obvious.


Grain is a most fortunate dream, betokening wealth and happiness.

For a young woman, it is a dream of fortune. She will meet wealthy and adoring companions.


Grain can represent the very seeds of life and our need to discover the hidden truth. As an offering to nature it honours the abundance of mother earth.


To dream about grain represents prosperity, abundance, and content. This dream can also signify all of the efforts you have made to achieve your goals.


-This is a very fortunate omen, although your success will come to you from hard work and endeavour. Persevere and you will be richly rewarded.


In the field, harvested, or in storage bins, grain is a dream of fortunate import.


Seeds you have sown, work you have done. Spiritual food in life.

See Also: Harvest.


Grain represents an opulent harvest and is often symbolic of a good life.


Symbolic of God’s provision and blessing, Jer. 31:12


One’s daily blessing of provisions


To dream you see any kind of grain, and that one gathers it, signifies profit and gain.


lucky numbers: 17-29-30-32-42-45

buying: problematic process to emotional profit.

carrying bags of, to the barn: relative’s visit wil be a shifting unstable situation.

catching fire: serious disaster ahead as plans wil not succeed, but important things wil .

chaff of, storing the: wil have a vigorous mind ful of useless information.

ears of corn, wheat, rye or other: wil have abundant means.

feeding, to animals: prosperity from an opulent harvest.

granary, a full: forthcoming abundance.

empty: are insecure about a problem that wil prove temporary.

harvesting: expect robust health for some time to come.

millet: expect great gains in your work.

selling large amount of: financial gains wil continue.

small: troubles are ahead.

separating chaff from the seed: only do important things.

sowing, in a field: good marriage and good business.

standing: wil receive plenty of money.


Sources and Authors

  1. Little Giant Encyclopedia by Klaus Vollmar [Back to dream]
  2. Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  3. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball [Back to dream]
  4. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  5. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by Astro Center [Back to dream]
  6. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  7. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett [Back to dream]
  8. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  9. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by Dr. Mıchael Lennox [Back to dream]
  10. The Fabric of Dream by Katherine Taylor Craig [Back to dream]
  11. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by Gustavus Hindman Miller [Back to dream]
  12. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  13. Dream Symbols and Analysis by DreamForth [Back to dream]
  14. Mystic Dream Book by Internet Archive - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  15. The Complete Dream Book by Gillian Holloway [Back to dream]
  16. The Dream Books Symbols by Betty Bethards [Back to dream]
  17. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver [Back to dream]
  18. Christian Dream Symbols by Tyler Wolfe [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by Margaret Hamilton [Back to dream]
  20. The Language of Dreams by Patrica Telesco [Back to dream]
  21. The Mystic Dream Book by Stephen Girard [Back to dream]
  22. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by Zolar [Back to dream]

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