1- In dreams, time is irrelevant.
To experience something which measures time is often to alert us to the need for measuring our thoughts and activities. When such a symbol is old fashioned as in an hourglass our perception of time and its management may be old- fashioned. We need to use different, and more precise, ways of measuring those activities.
2- When we arc particularly under stress we can be ovciiv aware of the running out of time, that it can bccome an enemy. This is often symbolised as an hourglass.
3- In former times, the hourglass was frequently taken as a symbol of death. More properly it is now seen as a svmbol for the Passage of Life.
[1]Symbol: Sometimes a symbol of death, the hourglass is also a primary image of moderation.
Vision: The hourglass reminds us how swiftly time passes. It might mean separation from a loved one or that you are “running out of time.”
Depth Psychology: The hourglass reminds you that life passes “like sand through your fingers.” It means time is marching on and you feel that you haven’t achieved anything significant. Figure out what the lesson is in this dream.
[2]Dreams of an hourglass symbolize your relationship with time, perhaps fear that time is passing too quickly or too slowly.
An hourglass can also symbolize a situation that has turned upside down, the reversal of time and a return to your beginning, from fullness to emptiness and back again. Also, the hourglass figure is a shape that many women aspire toward and men desire.
[3]Psychological / emotional perspective: When we are particularly under stress, we can be overly aware of the running out of time; that it can become an enemy. This is often symbolized in dreams as an hourglass.
It is probably from the hourglass that we get the word deadline; when the sand runs out the energy has gone.
[4]The hourglass measures time and is a spiritual symbol for the length of our physical lives. In former times, the hourglass was frequently taken as a symbol of death. More properly it is now seen as a measurement of the passage of life.
[5]1. Intense fears regarding time and its use.
2. Sense of impending doom (as in “time is running out”).
3. Frustration because of an upset routine, change of plans by outside forces (upside down).
[6]An hourglass represents the passing of time and the beginning of a new stage in the dreamer’s life.
[7]Symbolic of running out of time or needing to manage your time better
[8](Sandglass) In a dream, the two bulbs of a sandglass represent two sons, or two brothers, or two partners. Whatever happens to them in the dream will reflect in such people.
An hourglass in a dream also means makeup, beauty, or marriage.
The sand trickling from the upper bulb into the lower bulb in a dream represents man’s semen.