Dream Interpretation

About Us

The reason why you are in here is you have seen a dream and wonder its mean are not you?

This site is designed to make sense of dream symbols and make the most of our dreams.

"Sleep", which removes mental and physical fatigue, increases immunity, organizes memories, ensures the efficient functioning of the brain and has an important place for our lives, does these not only limited to, but also enables us to see dream.

The interpretation of your dreams should be done as a whole.

The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs and Meanings brings a deep and rich understanding to a variety of images, signs, and symbols.

You can have an idea about what your dreams mean benefiting from this dream dictionary that we have gathered up with expressions of From fifty different sources. For this, you should determine the objects you saw clear in your dream and you should look at their interpretation by one bye.

With our site learning more about dreams and dream interpretation, you will come to recognize the different types of dreams and be able to understand what is causing them without ascribing the wrong meaning to them.

idreamdictionary.com, it brings profound insights to thousands of dream messages. It shows what to look for and what to ignore and teaches how to master dream interpretation.

Dreams sometimes want to show us the right way.

The job of our website is to help us find the right way our dreams try to tell us.

By listening to the wisdom of your dreams, you can increase the satisfaction and success you experience in your waking life.

People today have become very selective about interpreting the meaning of their dreams, they are more likely to believe and assign meaningful symbols to dreams, which are in line with their daily lives. This phenomenon is called motivated reasoning. Motivated reasoning is an emotion based decision making phenomenon.

Epic of Gilgamesh

Dream interpretation, in the sense of foretelling the future or discerning the will of gods or ancestors, is as old as human history. The Summerian civilization, which was the first to develop writing in the third millennium BC, recorded dreams their earliest texts. For instance, in the Gilgamesh epic, the bull-man Enkidu has a pair of dreams which foretell his death. Egyptian papyri and other early civilizations’ writings feature this type of interpretation.

Tablet-Epic of Gilgamesh

The earliest recorded attempt at dream interpretation, comes from the Babylonian epic, "Epic of Gilgamesh", where mother of Gilgamesh helps him in interpretating his dreams.

Interpretation of Dreams

There are thousands of symbols, and it depends upon the context of one's own personal dream as to what they all mean for him / her. Look at it this way...a dream is like a puzzle, and although there are several pieces that are quickly pieced together because they are so obvious, the puzzle isn't complete until all the pieces are placed together bit by bit. Then you have the complete picture...until then, you-ll only have disjointed images that don't add up to anything coherent, and you'll still be confused..

Symbols in dream interpretation are just one piece of the puzzle. Each piece / symbol fits together and makes a complete picture. The entire dream tells the story, not just 1 or 2 symbols picked out of it, and each individual will have different nuances affecting the dream...such as daily influences perhaps integrating into the dream. For example: let's say you saw a movie yesterday about a vicious grizzly bear and it was frighteningly graphic, and then later that night you dreamt about a bear. This would be less meaningful than if you suddenly had a dream about a bear one night, without prior influences. That could be entirely different.

When interpreting dreams, the first thing everyone should consider is the typical universal meaning of the symbol / dream image. For instance, death symbolizes the end of something that's ready for change, and a new beginning. Most people start out highly resistive to changes of any sort, and see any upcoming change in their life as something foreboding and scary. Death dreams are usually about change.

Dream Meaning

The dreams you seek from A to Z