A dream of being impervious to danger is a warning to avoid any risks to your health for the time being.
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A dream of being impervious to danger is a warning to avoid any risks to your health for the time being.
[1]1. Self; the right combination of properties to create the feeling of wholeness.2. Recognition, appreciation, often in relationships.3. A very positive symbol of endurance, purit...
Learn more about the meaning of DiamondIsolation and promiscuity, but also a search for invulnerability and sensuality.See Animal....
Learn more about the meaning of Leather Clothing1- Jewels appearing in dreams almost invariably symbolise those things which we value. These may be personal qualities, our sense of integrity, our ability to be ourselves, or even...
Learn more about the meaning of JewelsRepresents all that is traditionally associated with royalty; dignity, zeal, power, love, passion, beauty, longevity and invulnerability....
Learn more about the meaning of Rubylucky numbers: 05-15-16-28-43-48afraid of: commitment is a dirty word for your intense psychological ordeal. artificial, an: dries up water; excesses of your unconscious. ashes: la...
Learn more about the meaning of FireDream Keywords: mother, injuring, daughter, knife
Dream Keywords: mother, harming, daughter
Dream Keywords: planting, onion
Dream Keywords: indistinct, facefigure
Dream Keywords: saw, female, male, genitalia
Dream Keywords: disassemble, person, frozen, refrigerator
Dream Keywords: lecturer, combing, hair, applying, oil, making, shine