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Meditation Dream Meaning

Interpretation from 10 Unique Sources About Meditation

meditation image

Being self responsible for state of mind; listen­ing to intuition and unconscious.

For people involved in any form of personal growth, they occasionally have a dream in which some form of instruction is given as an aid to their unfolding. Such dreams are worth following as the uncon­scious has the ability to sift and consider our collective experi­ence, and present what applies to our need.

Example: ‘While recovering from a major operation and experiencing enormous pain I dreamt my father—dead—ap­peared standing at the end of the bed, and he said in a very matter of fact voice, “Think of five pink bouquets.” My father would never have used those words, so the scene impressed itself on me. I therefore woke and tried to visualise the five bouquets. I managed to get three in a row, four, but I could not manage five until I had formed them into a diamond with one in the middle. When I achieved that my pain subsided, and did so each time I used the image—why I do not know’ (Ken S). Ken’s experience suggests a psychosomatic effect from his dream-proposed meditation. Such meditations often show ways to alter character attitudes or help find strength to make necessary changes in life.


1- Interpreting the act of meditation will depend on whether the dreamer meditates in real life. In someone who does, it will suggest a discipline that is helpful to the dreamer putting him or herself in touch with intuition and spiritual matters. In someone who does not, it may indicate the need to be more introverted in order to understand the necessity to be responsible for oneself.

1- Often on an unconscious level we are aware of the need to change consciousness or attitude, and to dream of meditating can highlight this for us. We can access the more creative, spiritual side.

2- The dreamer has to come to terms with discipline of a spiritual nature if he is to succeed in his spiritual goal.


Know thyself; way to the guru or teacher within. To know the self is to know all things, God, the interrelationship and oneness of all beings, all life. When you truly know the self you no longer are judgmental of self or others, greeting all in loving acceptance. Meditation is the freeway to enlightenment; it keeps your energy field continuously expanding, accelerating your growth.

It is so simple.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Often on an unconscious level we are aware of the need to change consciousness or attitude.

To dream of meditating, particularly when we first learn this art, can highlight this for us. We can access our more creative, spiritual side and thus mandala and mantra become second nature, both asleep and awake.


As a discipline, meditation helps us to become more aware of changes in consciousness. It also has the effect of opening our minds to dreaming as a spiritual learning tool. After learning meditation, our dreams take on a different depth and clarity.

For instance, the mandala seen in dreams can become a gauge for spiritual progression.


If you dream of meditating, this represents objectivity, clarity, lucidity and a desire to become awake and conscious in the dream state. You are in an advanced level of -awareness, and are connecting with your infinite source of guidance, support, direction, and solutions.


If we meditate regularly in our waking life, a dream about meditating can be a simple reflection of our everyday experience. Otherwise, it can be a message from a deeper part of our minds, telling us to slow down or to reflect.


Depth Psychology: You would like very much to explore and gain insight into vour unconscious. Why don’t you act on it? Try meditating—it will do you a world of good!


lucky numbers: 10-18-19-21-37-46

of a: purification and cleansing of al belief systems to open you to higher knowledge.

trance, in a: have not grounded your insight with empirical knowledge.

tune in an: wil receive wisdom from expanded states of consciousness.

out: are always at some level of attune-ment; each level needs its turn.


99 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about meditation related.

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1. Need or desire for meditation and spiritual contemplation.2. Seeking spiritual solutions to troubles.3. To come full circle, start at the beginning. ...

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1- Dreaming of wading puts us in the position of recognising what our emotions can do to us.If we are impeded by the water (see Water), then we need to appreciate how our emotions ...

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1. Social life is usually good and happy.2. Loss of security.3. In­spiration, meditation, harmony.4. Treachery (if the beer is flat). ...

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See Cloister. Even though the abbey or cloister has no real meaning in today’s world, in a dream it points to the fact that the person is looking for something.The Latin word mon...

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On one hand, a place of silence, meditation, and security, similar to Abbey, Chapel, Cathedral, and Church. On the other hand, the desire to get away from the world, fear of life.T...

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Prayer, peace, meditation; centering is necessary. This is a frequent dream image when life is oriented too much to materialism....

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1- The act of Ascension is a breakthrough to a new spiritual plane which transcends the state of being human.It is an awareness of different levels of concentration, which give a d...

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(see Animals)Swift, agile movement.The deer is an excellent guide through any figurative forests in your life.Buddhist: A representation of the Wheel of Law in action. Also symboli...

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If you were the Buddha, this is a dream of contrary. You may feel in possession of knowledge and wisdom that you don’t currently have, but that you can obtain through study and m...

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(see also Climbing, Ladder, Mountain)(1) Climbing a ladder or steps or a mountain, or going up in a balloon or a lift, may signify simply high achievement; an arduous mountain or r...

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Any alcoholic substance has a numbing effect, dulls the mind and feelings. May suggest hypersensitivity; a need for relaxation, meditation and raising the energy field to maintain ...

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If a blind person appears in your dreams, the reference will almost certainly be to some blindness - lack of awareness or understanding - within yourself.(1) Ask yourself what you ...

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(see also Mandala; entries for particular flowers: e.g. Rose, etc.)(1) A flower may symbolize what Jung called ‘the Self: the true self; the fundamental order and beauty of the p...

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Asleep at your control center; numbing of feelings, emotions; inability to see and hear with clarity. Avoidance of looking at your life and taking responsibility for self. Anesthes...

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Lack of protection of heart center, picking up too much stress and tension from those around you. Labored breathing results from an emotional overload. Relaxation, meditation are i...

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Energy field or light around you, charisma; strength or intensity reflects how easy or difficult you are making your life. The higher the energy, the more clarity you have. Meditat...

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Cosmic exchange, energy vault, unlimited resource. Collective unconscious; reservoir of all knowledge and ideas you may draw upon at any time. You make investments in yourself, dep...

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Life force or energy, connection to God-self. Regular recharge through meditation keeps your battery high: no energy, no insight....

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Fellowship; communion with others in awareness that we are all a part of God’s body. Body as the temple of God; process of learning life’s lessons through staff of life or God ...

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We live, move and have our being in sea of cosmic energy. We are always in a state of either expanding or contracting our energy fields through our thoughts, words and actions. Phy...

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May suggest loss of control in a situation, low energy. Need to center through meditation to get back on target. May also be a “bad landing” coming back into the body at night....

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The need for more meditation or spiritual nourishment to enhance your growth; a fertilized area suggests you are ready for insight, prepared for a new period of learning and unfold...

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Need for meditation, spiritual food. The bigger the fish, the more meditation is needed. Also, something may be fishy, or not quite right....

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Hidden desires; need for spiritual sustenance, meditation....

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Often suggests being under the influence of limiting beliefs about the self. You are hypnotized into believing you are a limited being. Buying someone else’s beliefs instead of y...

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Watch your emotional step; need for meditation....

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Expansion of consciousness, usually with no control. Awakening, expanded awareness.It is safer and more productive to use meditation, relying on inner direction, energies.See also ...

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If swinging from limb to limb, stop and get yourself centered; if chattering or jumping up and down, still the mind through meditation; if monkey is imitating others, recognize and...

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Balance your life, as you are swinging from one extreme to the other in emotion and thought. Get out of the action-reaction pattern through meditation; observe self and others with...

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You are stuck in your fear and are going under with it. Get on top of it, expand your perspective, create an inner refuge of safety and harmony through meditation....

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Plug for more energy. Meditation is your tool to recharge your batteries....

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Lack of love, cutting self off from life force. Nurture self with meditation, affirmations, relaxation....

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Unnecessary burden you place upon self; self-judgment. Being stretched beyond your limit in a taxing situation. Taxing your energy and not rebuilding through meditation, nurturing....

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Uncontrolled sexual energy (second chakra); resentment, fear, anger, frustration due to suppression. Unguided, misdirected energy which will not resolve problem because it is withi...

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Path of intuition; spiritual discipline and meditation....

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Churches put us in contact with our inner harmony, since as it is known, they are places of seclusion and meditation. To dream that you find yourself in an empty, solitary church s...

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It represents death, aridity, and nonexistence.If you dream of being in the desert, without water and suffering from the heat of the sun, it means that you feel lonely, unloved, an...

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Because of its well-organized social structure, a hive symbolizes community and order.If your dream visions are pleasant, it means that you have the support of family and friends. ...

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High ground enables us to admire the surroundings more clearly. If, in dreams, you are climbing a mountain enthusiastically, it means that you are improving your professional, soci...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation