If you find yourself looking up at a hill or mountain, this suggests there’s a task in front of you, something you’re facing which you may have reservations about. If you can see the top, then success is likely. If the peak is out of view, then you’re unsure about the final outcome. If you’re already climbing the hill, then you’re probably in the thick of it and already working towards your goal. To find yourself standing at the summit is a good sign: you’re in a position of power and feel elevated in some way. It’s time to celebrate this victory.
Mountains and hills represent people, their ranks and positions depending on the hugeness, height and mass of such mountains and hills.
The same applies to boulders and rocks.
The person who sees such a dream will attain honour and dignity.
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, might, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seemed, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: many, chairs, arranged, row
Dream Keywords: dog, chewing, rawhide
Dream Keywords: beige, yellowcolored, dogs