Noor means hidayat (guidance) while darkness means deviation and misleading others.
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
Noor means hidayat (guidance) while darkness means deviation and misleading others.
[1]Its reader will be amongst those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; he will love some and dislike others for the sake of Allah; he will be afflicted with some illne...
Learn more about the meaning of Soorah NoorDream Keywords: please, provide, context, details, assist, better
Dream Keywords: dumping, refers, practice, selling, goods, foreign, market, price, lower, normal, value, often, cost, gain, share
Dream Keywords: unload
Dream Keywords: buying, cassava, unfamiliar, women
Dream Keywords: open, door, departed, parent, speak, seem, diminish, size
Dream Keywords: red, moon, rain
Dream Keywords: bathed, sea, night, rain, falling, looking, red, moon
Dream Keywords: woman, buying, cauliflower, shop