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Orange Dream Meaning

Dream Interpretation from 27 Unique Sources About Orange

orange image

Orange has many associations, in particular with generosity and optimism. It is considered to be a color of warmth, thoughtfulness, wisdom and sociability, and it is connected with sunshine and light. Orange or saffron indicates a person with a strong spiritual presence.

If you have been discouraged in your search for spiritual enlightenment, the presence of orange in your dream may suggest that your patience will be rewarded.

If you are dressed in orange, this may underline your desire to shun materialism in favor of spiritualism. Dreams in which orange features are often taken as signs of positive change within the dreamer’s life, but it is important to point out that orange also has associations with mistrust, uncertainty and doubt.

Muddier shades of orange may be representative of this uncertainty, and in a dream they may be urging you to be more thoughtful about a particular person or situation. Orange surfaces and staircases in dreams may represent positive journeys.

If an orange object caught your dreaming eye, could it have reflected your own upbeat outlook, or could it have been urging you to transform your life for the better by being more positive, sociable and outgoing? For example, an orange hat may suggest an optimistic new way of thinking. An orange flower may suggest a sense of contentment with life. An orange fist may suggest anger, hostility and aggression. Keywords: friendliness, courtesy, lively, sociability, and an outgoing nature. You may want to expand your horizons and look into new interests.


Symbol: Similar to Apple.

The orange is also considered a symbol of love, temptation, and worldly and sensual pleasures. See Also: Fruit, Grapes, Tomato.

Vision: Seeing an orange in a dream: a pleasant romance is on its way; you are also changing for the better. Peeling an orange: many difficult hurdles need to be overcome before you reach your goal. Seeing many ripe oranges in a tree: a promise of positive things to come in your love life.

The orange represents your erotic needs and desires.

See Also: Fruit. Sometimes it is also a sign of the beginning stage of jaundice. Eating an orange: your love is reciprocated and you will soon be fit again!

Depth Psychology: The orange is primarily an expression of your erotic needs; the orange color refers to your spirit and sunny disposition.

See Also: Fruit, the chapter“Color in Dreams.”


Orange is the color of youthful idealism and enthusiasm. Dark orange indicates prejudice and cynicism.

Color Therapy: Orange works well in cases of kidney weaknesses, constipation, low energy, environmental allergies, muscle cramps and tension, suppression, and emotional tension.

Depth Psychology: Orange is a mixture of red and yellow—and points to fun, refreshment, conviv iality, warmth, energy, and fire.


Peeling and opening an orange in your dreams may represent exposing the segments of yourself at the core.

A navel orange may relate to the navel chakra, from which you assert your personal authority. Since orange is the color of stability and authority, wearing orange clothing in a dream may mention your boldness.

It is the color of the will and thus coaxes assertive action.


To see them grow- ing or boxed for shipment is a forecast of a slow but steady improvement in your circumstances; to eat them or drink the juice predicts a short but un- forgettable love affair; and orange blossoms, as ex-pected, signify news of a wedding.

See Also: Fruit, Trees, Colors.


Dreams of an orange represent health, creativity, confidence, happiness, vitality, and immunity against negativity.

An orange also represents femininity, feminine genitalia, as well as female reproductive organs.

See Also: Chakra-3rd-Solar Plexus, Fruit and Color.


(1) This colour may symbolize aggressiveness.

(2) Because it is the colour of the sun, it may symbolize life, or consciousness.

(3) If you are depressed, orange may symbolize the dawn of a new attitude of optimism and proper self-love.


Transformation and change are represented by the color orange. Orange is also related to sexuality, but through the feminine principle of intimacy and transformation.

It is the color most associated with creativity.


Fruit, in general, represents joy, well-being, and sexual relationships. The orange, in this sense, is no exception.

The omens of this dream predict the meeting of new friends.


The color orange can represent: Bold, outgoing, or assertive.

A happy mood.



Autumn, or the “winding down” of a phase or cycle.

See Also: Color


The orange is a symbol of physical health and spiritual vitality, evoking comparison with the fruit of knowledge and the luscious indulgences of the body.


Dreams about oranges, especially if you eat an orange in your dream, suggest that you will be healthy and lucky in love.


A sexual meaning. When dreaming about two oranges or two apples, they symbolize women’s breasts.

See Also: Fruit, Sun.


An essentially cheerful uplifting colour.

The qualities associated with it are happiness and independence.




Gen. 2:7; 25:25; 2 Cor. 4:7; Prov. 24:21-22; Ezek. 1:4, 27.


Blending or balance of emotions and intellect. Some­times warmth; religious feelings or insight.


(Color) Balancing of peace and energy, yellow and red.

A blending of peace and love.


(Fruit) Nurture self. May suggest you need specific nutrients in orange.

See Also: Food.


1. Bright and sunny future.

2. One needs hardware (home depot).


A combination of yellow, which is fear, and red, which is anxiety


Sources and Authors

  1. The Element Encyclopedia by Theresa Cheung [Back to dream]
  2. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  3. Dreamers Dictionary by Garuda [Back to dream]
  4. Ariadne's Book of Dream by Ariadne Green [Back to dream]
  5. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett [Back to dream]
  6. Strangest Dream Explanations by Dream Explanations - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  7. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by Eric Ackroyd [Back to dream]
  8. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by Dr. Mıchael Lennox [Back to dream]
  9. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by Martha Clarke [Back to dream]
  10. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by Nancy Wagaman [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver [Back to dream]
  12. My Dream Interpretation by myjellybean [Back to dream]
  13. Little Giant Encyclopedia by Klaus Vollmar [Back to dream]
  14. Dream Meanings of Versatile by Versatile - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  15. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  16. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by Tony Crisp [Back to dream]
  17. The Dream Books Symbols by Betty Bethards [Back to dream]
  18. The Dream Books Symbols by Betty Bethards [Back to dream]
  19. New American Dream Dictionary by Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by Margaret Hamilton [Back to dream]
  21. Mystic Dream Book by Internet Archive - Anonymous [Back to dream]
  22. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by Vincent Wienand [Back to dream]
  23. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by Pamela Ball [Back to dream]
  24. Islamic Dream Interpretation by Ibn Seerin [Back to dream]

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