A bad dream, for you will deserve the misfortune that will befall you.
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
A bad dream, for you will deserve the misfortune that will befall you.
[1]To dream of telling, or having your fortune told, it dicates that you are deliberating over some vexed affair, and you should use much caution in giving consent to its consummation...
Learn more about the meaning of Fortune-tellingAnother dream of contrary, whether you are the liar, or whether you dream that someone is telling Lies to you....
Learn more about the meaning of Falsehood Or LieRules.The ideas of “right” and “wrong.” Justice.Your general intention to “do the right thing.” An attempt to maintain order somewhere in your life.Fear of being told o...
Learn more about the meaning of Telling On SomeoneDream Keywords: checkered, flannel, shirt
Dream Keywords: snake, transforming, cat
Dream Keywords: please, provide, context, details, word, dump, seems, like, might, part, larger, sentence, idea
Dream Keywords: please, provide, context, details, assist, better
Dream Keywords: dumping, refers, practice, selling, goods, foreign, market, price, lower, normal, value, often, cost, gain, share
Dream Keywords: unload
Dream Keywords: buying, cassava, unfamiliar, women
Dream Keywords: open, door, departed, parent, speak, seem, diminish, size
Dream Keywords: red, moon, rain
Dream Keywords: bathed, sea, night, rain, falling, looking, red, moon