Being sent to the principal’s office may express worry and concern about your behavior or fear of punishment by an outside authority. It may also represent repressed childhood anxiety.
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Being sent to the principal’s office may express worry and concern about your behavior or fear of punishment by an outside authority. It may also represent repressed childhood anxiety.
[1]Sending or receiving important information from the unconscious. Increased awareness, communication....
Learn more about the meaning of Post / Post Office / PostcardYou stand at the cross-roads, decide quickly and do not look back....
Learn more about the meaning of Registry-officeTo dream of these types of building, filled with people slaving away on computers, production lines or machines, might be a reflection of the obsessive worker part of your personal...
Learn more about the meaning of Factory / Office / Processing PlantIf you are attending a party in your dream, it may mean that you should get out a little more and embrace life; or perhaps you need to celebrate something about yourself.If the par...
Learn more about the meaning of Party / Post Office / TheatreDream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, might, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seemed, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: many, chairs, arranged, row
Dream Keywords: dog, chewing, rawhide
Dream Keywords: beige, yellowcolored, dogs