To dream VOU are rambling up and down in some pleasant shady places, indicates that you will have some misunderstanding with your lover, or with an esteemed friend.
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To dream VOU are rambling up and down in some pleasant shady places, indicates that you will have some misunderstanding with your lover, or with an esteemed friend.
[1]To dream that you are rambling through the country, denotes that you will be oppressed with sadness, and the separation from friends, but your worldly surroundings will be all that...
Learn more about the meaning of Ramblelucky numbers: 07-12-17-21-27-40being a: wil have many ups and downs, but plans wil fail to materialize. confessing to a: have strayed from moral ground and need a hand out of the ...
Learn more about the meaning of PreacherDream Keywords: planting, onion
Dream Keywords: indistinct, facefigure
Dream Keywords: saw, female, male, genitalia
Dream Keywords: disassemble, person, frozen, refrigerator
Dream Keywords: lecturer, combing, hair, applying, oil, making, shine
Dream Keywords: smelled, something, similar, street, reminiscent, fish, remember, scent