General Meaning: A rock speaks of something that causes you to stumble, or something that causes you to stand secure.
The interpretation will differ depending on the context of your dream or vision.
• Positive: A rock that you lean on or hold onto is a lovely picture of your faith in the Lord.
It is there to keep you steady and prevent you from falling.
• The best image we have for a rock is Jesus Christ. Solid and the foundation of the church, if you build your life on Him, no storm can overcome you! • 1 Corinthians 10:4 And all drank the same spiritual Drinking: for they drank from that spiritual rock that followed them: and that rock was Christ.
• Standing on a rock speaks of being secure and not being moved by anything that goes on round about you. It means that you are doing things God’s way.
Negative: A rock that causes you to hurt yourself or to stumble is a picture of a hindrance in your life.
• Are you trying to go in a certain direction and you feel that you are being blocked? If so then your dream is a confirmation of this.
• I often see stones and rocks along a path when praying for someone. This is negative and speaks of the blockages the enemy has put in your way.
• These things are not from the Lord, and you need to stand up in your spiritual authority to overcome them.
See also: Stone.
[1]To dream of rock suggests stability in the real world.
If we are on firm ground we can survive. We may also be aware that we must be firm and stand ‘rock-like’ and not be dissuaded from our purpose. Seaside rock can remind us of happier, more carcfree times.
On an intellectual level, all the images that one thinks of in relationship to rocks prevail. There is reliability, coldness, rigidity and so on. We need to recognise these qualities within ourselves in order to handle ourselves properly. We can find ourselves between a ‘rock and a hard place’ in a difficult situation in dreams.
Spiritually we will need, at some point, to go through a barrier from difficulty to sanctuary. This often presents itself as a rock barrier. Dual rocks through which we must pass suggest the same image as the passage between two pillars, that is, passing from one state of being to the next.
[2]Symbol: A rock is a symbol of rigidity but also strength. Rocks serve as a warning: don’t set your sights too high.
Vision: It you are rock climbing: hard work at your job will pay off handsomely. Falling off a boulder: you are overextended and exhausted. Pay more attention to your health. Looking up at a tall rock: an extraordinary project or task will come your way. Climbing down from a rock with great effort: relatives or friends are withdrawing from you, or your hopes are dashed.
Depth Psychology: A rock in a dream means vou have to overcome some- thing, but must do so gently.
It is also a challenge: be steadfast, like “the rock of Gibraltar.’’ Sometimes the rock refers to a tombstone or marker, or it may be a phallic symbol.
[3]To see rocks in your dream, may signify that you are feeling solid in a relationship, or making a commitment to a person or a cause. However, rocks may also symbolize stubbornness, disharmony and unhappiness. Look to the other details of your dream for clues. Also, certain specific rock dreams have definite meanings: If you dreamed that you had trouble moving a big rock, or getting around or over it, you will have to face many difficulties and you must patiently work past every one in order to reach your goals. Patience is the key! To dream that you are climbing a steep rock, signifies struggles and obstacles ahead.
To dream of falling rocks is a sign of important changes coming.
[4]A rock symbolizes being, permanence, security, and cohesion with oneself. Its durability is the opposite of living things, submitted to the laws of change, of decadence and death. It symbolizes, in general, unity and strength.
If you dream that you are navigating toward the rocks, you may find yourself in a dangerous situation soon. In this case, the best thing would be to change methods when you start your issues. (See Also: STONE) Sirens that, with their songs, directed seamen to their deaths on the rocks are a symbol of the perverse side of intuition. The danger of the rocks, therefore, reminds you that you cannot disregard too much in real life.
[5]Reality, but not just physical reality; the physical world; the eternal as it is met by our waking self; stability; a remembrance of something or someone important to us.
If the rock is sculpted: what our life has expressed to enrich our own spiritual or eternal nature.
A small rock, stone: the unconscious sees our personal existence as a part of the material the cosmos is made of—another pebble on the beach.
The rock portrays how we shape the material of our nature through our life—similar to the parable of the talents.
See Also: stone.
[6]Psychological / emotional perspective: On an intellectual level, all the images that we think of in relationship to rocks prevail. There is reliability, coldness, rigidity and a foundation on which we can build. We need to recognize these qualities within ourselves so that we give ourselves the best options possible. We can find ourselves ‘between a rock and a hard place’, in a difficult situation in dreams.
[7]Spiritually we will need, at some point, to go through a transition that requires careful management this often presents itself as a rock barrier. Dual rocks through which we must pass suggest the same image as the passage between two pillars, such as the pillars of hercules; that is, passing from one state of awareness to the next.
It is similar to an initiation.
[8]Material aspects: To dream of rock suggests stability in the real world.
If we are on firm ground we can survive. We may also be aware that we must be firm and stand ‘rock-like’, and not be dissuaded from our purpose. Seaside rock can remind us of happier, more carefree times. You might also like to consult the entries for barrier, initiation and stone.
[9](See Also: Stone)
(1) A rock may symbolize permanence or antiquity; the most ancient - unconscious - part of the human mind; the foundations or essence of the self.
(2) Rocks at sea may symbolize a threat of disaster. The threat could be external or internal. Are you getting too emotional? You may need to change course and take a d life rent direction in life.
[10]An obstacle dream. Persistent difficulties which you will have to circum- navigate patiently are por- tended if you couldn’t move the rock in your dream; if you were able to move it, or get around or over it, you can expect a general improvement in conditions. A rock fall is a sign of change.
[11]Rocks usually embody stability and permanence, as signified by the expression “solid as a rock.” A large rock or boulder in a dream may indicate the dreamer is making a commitment to a relationship or contemplating some change that will provide a more solid foundation.
[12]Dreams of a rock symbolize strength, groundedness, stability, and ancient wisdom. Perhaps you have become stubborn and rigid in your judgments. Consider the feeling tone.
See Also: Earth.
[13]1. Strength, fidelity and stability, often a relationship.
2. Mother.
3. Hard work ahead.
4. Lasting forever, especially relationships (to sit on top of rocks).
[14]1. Christ;
2. Safe refuge;
3. The stone that causes stumbling;
4. Hiding place; The foundation of the church must built upon it. John 4:14; 7:37-39; 1 Cor. 10:4-5.
[15]An obstruction; an annoyance. Note how you get around or over the rock in your dream.
A falling rock indicates an unexpected change of fortune.
[16]A secure spiritual foundation, figurative of christ; see “foundation”; if small rocks, see “gravel”
[17]This is symbolic of Christ, refuge, a stronghold, and strength, Ps. 31:1-3, Ps. 28:1
[18]Impassable obstacles (Gypsy).
[19]Strength, grounding, personal power.
[20]The unchanging self, hard thoughts
[21]See Also: Boulder.