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Sack Dream Meaning

Dream Interpretation from 15 Unique Sources About Sack

sleeping boy

1- At its simplest, to dream of a sack can link with word play such as ‘getting the sack’. It brings a period of our lives to an end. possibly in a rather negative way. Perhaps in an effort to move on. we have created circumstances within our lives which make us feel bad about ourselves for a time.

2- The sack has the same significance as the bag, or any such receptacle. In a woman’s dream it can therefore perhaps mean pregnancy, while interestingly enough in a man’s dream il is more likely to mean some kind of womb experience (See Also: Womb in Body). As a symbol of security the womb is often svmbolised in dreams as a bag or sack. Very often the sack as a utilitarian object has the significance of containing something for us - of giving us an opportunity to consider our belongings. We can empty the sack, as it were, and decide what is important to us and what we need to take forward.

3- In its starkest meaning the sack can indicate death. It can literally mean the death of a person, or it can indicate the liberation of part of our personality. We need to release a difficulty in order to continue within our own framework of life.


Psychological / emotional perspective: A sack shares much of the significance and symbolism of the bag, or any such receptacle, in dreams; the womb is often symbolised in dreams as a bag or sack. As an everyday object it acts as a container and its appearance in a dream can indicate that we should look making the best use of our resources.


A full sack foretells good luck, success, and happiness; in contrast, an empty one is synonymous with economic losses and illness. When the sack appears old or in poor condition, it means that there will be setback in the completion of goals. The psychoanalysis regards the sack as an image of the uterus, and by extension, the woman.


Material aspects: At its simplest, to dream of a sack can link with word play such as ‘getting the sack’. It brings a period of our lives to an end, possibly in a rather negative way. Perhaps in an effort to move on, we have created circumstances within our lives that make us feel bad about ourselves for a time.


Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream a bag can represent her feelings about pregnancy, while, interestingly enough, in a man’s dream it is more likely to mean some kind of womb experience. Consult the entry for bag as well as the information on womb in the body entry for further information.


Dreaming about a large sack, particularly one that a person might fit into, might be a womb symbol. Alternatively, corpses are sometimes placed in sacks, so a sack can suggest death as well.

The dream might also be alluding to idioms such as “getting sacked” or “hitting the sack.” (See Also: Bag).


Formerly the appearance of a sack in a dream was taken as an indication of death. Today, it is more likely to indicate the liberation (freeing up) of part of our personality or difficulties that need to be overcome so we can progress spiritually.


As container suggests concealment, hiding. Elimination of unwanted parts of self through conquering.

If you are sacked in a dream, may indicate death of the old or giving away your power to others.


1. Burden (carrying sack;

2. Provision

3. Cup (Joseph put his cup in Benjamin’s sack);

4. Hidden;

5. Baggage; Gen. 43:23; Lev. 11:32; Gen. 49:14.


An obstacle.

If the Sack is full and you empty it, then all will go well. But an empty Sack shows some difficulty that will probably cause loss.


Good luck in your current affairs is forecast if the sack was full; if it was empty, it signifies obstacles to be overcome.


Someone is about to be terminated.


The womb; death; getting the sack.


See “bag”


(Bag, Pouch, Suitcase, Trunk) A sack or any packing container in a dream represents travels, or activities in general.

A sack in a dream also represents the body of a human being.

An empty sack in a dream then means death. Seeing a sack within a sack in a dream represents the knowledge one benefited from during his life in this world.

If the second sack contains money in the dream, it means that one’s knowledge is true.

If it contains change, it means that one is still studying and needs to further his knowledge.

A sack in a dream also represents one’s personal and secret life. In a dream, if one makes a cut through a sack and throws its contents asunder, it means that his private and intimate life will be exposed and becomes the subject of people’s talk. Ifone’s money falls through a hole in the bag or a purse he carries, the bag also represents his body and the money represents his soul, which is an indication of his death.

If one finds termites or moths inside his sack in a dream, it also means death. Thus, a sack in a dream denotes what a person represents, or it could mean one’s heart.

(See Also: Bag, Pouch, Purse’ Suitcase, Trunk)


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