whoever sees himself sitting in the Meki Harem, and was afraid [then] he will be saved from a wrongdoer and become safe from his cunning.
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
whoever sees himself sitting in the Meki Harem, and was afraid [then] he will be saved from a wrongdoer and become safe from his cunning.
[1]To dream that you maintain a harem, denotes that you are wasting your best energies on low pleasures. Life holds fair promises, if your desires are rightly directed.If a woman drea...
Learn more about the meaning of Harem(see Church, Holy Ground, Monastery, Temple) A place or situation that offers you complete acceptance.Protection and safety from someone or something perceived as wishing you harm....
Learn more about the meaning of Sanctuary (refuge)Dream Keywords: looking, increase, traffic, website, video, affordably, check, httpzszwpsblastmillionstop
Dream Keywords: bought, two, california, lottery, tickets, costing, one, ticket, won, 800, 18000, excited, asked, uncle, write, down, phone, number
Dream Keywords: claustrophobic, car
Dream Keywords: surprised
Dream Keywords: giving, boyfriend, food
Dream Keywords: lifted
Dream Keywords: school, uniform
Dream Keywords: climbing, tree
Dream Keywords: buying, cabbage