Shutters on the window may represent the eyelids. Therefore, dreaming about shutters may mention that someone’s eyes are shut to the truth.
[1]Enable one to shut out or prevent outside visibility to inside one’s domain; see “window”
[2]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
Shutters on the window may represent the eyelids. Therefore, dreaming about shutters may mention that someone’s eyes are shut to the truth.
[1]Enable one to shut out or prevent outside visibility to inside one’s domain; see “window”
[2]What Does It Mean to Dream About Eggs Hatching into Large Birds?Dreams involving eggs and birds often evoke themes of transformation, potential, and the emergence of new aspects of...
Learn more about the meaning of And Those Eggs Hatch And Turn Into Large Birds That I Am Not Familiar With. By The Way, The Two-piece Shutters And The Shutter That Opens Our Window Are Usually Closed.What Does It Mean to Dream About Shutters and a Snake Entering?Dreaming about shutters and a snake can evoke a mix of emotions and interpretations. The imagery of two-piece shutter...
Learn more about the meaning of By The Way, The Two-piece Shutters And The Shutter That Opens Our Window Are Usually Down; Thats How It Is In My Dream. Anyway, A Snake Enters.