Symbolic of causing someone to sin, Matt. 16:23
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Symbolic of causing someone to sin, Matt. 16:23
[1]1- In dreams, a block may present itself in many forms. We can experience it as a physical block that is, something that needs to be climbcd over or got round, a mental block for i...
Learn more about the meaning of BlockSomething is out of order—a dream of obstacles or the opposite: you have found a new order, meaning that you have lost your customary rhythm....
Learn more about the meaning of StumblingIn a dream, butcher’s chopping block represents a hypocrite who interferes in people’s business and takes sides in their arguments....
Learn more about the meaning of Butcher BlockTo dream of playing with brightly colored toy blocks signifies a search for the comfort and security you felt as a small child. It may also refer to your playful attitudes or child...
Learn more about the meaning of BlocksIf you can identify what the block symbolizes, you will know what it is that prevents you from reaching the fulfilment you desire.If there are policemen or soldiers there, do they ...
Learn more about the meaning of Road BlockTo dream that you slip or that you make a slip of the tongue suggests that you are doing things you do not really want to do, or saying things you do not really mean.If you stumble...
Learn more about the meaning of Slipping, Tripping And StumblingDream Keywords: looking, increase, traffic, website, video, affordably, check, httpzszwpsblastmillionstop
Dream Keywords: bought, two, california, lottery, tickets, costing, one, ticket, won, 800, 18000, excited, asked, uncle, write, down, phone, number
Dream Keywords: claustrophobic, car
Dream Keywords: surprised
Dream Keywords: giving, boyfriend, food
Dream Keywords: lifted
Dream Keywords: school, uniform
Dream Keywords: climbing, tree
Dream Keywords: buying, cabbage