Dreams of a tack signify awareness of your sharp edges. This dream could also be a message to consider being more tactful so that your criticism doesn’t injure someone. Consider the use of the tack. Also this can be wordplay for your judgements about something in your life being tacky, or of having tacky behavior.
If you dreamed of hammering tacks, you are likely to have to help a friend over a rough patch; pulling out tacks in a dream is a warning against hasty speech which could cause a regrettable rift— guard your tongue.
Driving a tack with a shoe predicts a new romantic interest.
To see tacks in your dream symbolizes annoyances in your life that are causing you to be confrontational and quarrelsome.
A dream of quarrels and enmity (Gypsy).
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, might, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seemed, bit, many, started, looking, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: sons, house, full, flowers, told, seem, bit, many, looked, silver, sixpences
Dream Keywords: many, chairs, arranged, row
Dream Keywords: dog, chewing, rawhide
Dream Keywords: beige, yellowcolored, dogs