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Example: ‘After our first baby was born I had such nightmares my doctor gave me a tranquilliser to take before going to sleep. I have taken one at bedtime for 36 years! I am too ...
Learn more about the meaning of Trapped1. Mystery or problem in one’s life that resists solution.2. Desire or need to relax. ...
Learn more about the meaning of Seaweed1- ib be in a trap in a dream signifies that we feci we are trapped by outside circumstances.To be aware of trapping something or someone is attempting to hold onto them.To be trap...
Learn more about the meaning of Trap / TrappedTo dream of trying to find some refuge from animals, whether by building defences or perhaps by running away, is indicative of our struggle with our animal instincts and whether th...
Learn more about the meaning of Trapped By AnimalsThis suggests that we have been wounded, either emotionally or spiritually, or perhaps that our natural instincts are not being allowed free expression and are, therefore, not func...
Learn more about the meaning of Wounded And / Or Trapped AnimalsIn these extremely common dreams, you are lost and feeling desperate. You may be buried alive or locked in a cage. Or you dream of not being able to move; you are powerless to scre...
Learn more about the meaning of Lost / TrappedDream Keywords: please, provide, context, details, word, dump, seems, like, might, part, larger, sentence, idea
Dream Keywords: please, provide, context, details, assist, better
Dream Keywords: dumping, refers, practice, selling, goods, foreign, market, price, lower, normal, value, often, cost, gain, share
Dream Keywords: unload
Dream Keywords: buying, cassava, unfamiliar, women
Dream Keywords: open, door, departed, parent, speak, seem, diminish, size
Dream Keywords: red, moon, rain
Dream Keywords: bathed, sea, night, rain, falling, looking, red, moon
Dream Keywords: woman, buying, cauliflower, shop